
How sleekshop works.

Sleekshop is a cloudbased e-commerce platform which allows you to deploy e-commerce functionality via API into your projects no matter what kind of programming - language you want to use, or which devices you want to address. 

Sleekshop comes without a frontend, even tough there are SDKs which allow you simple testings. In our examples we use curl requests to simulate the requests and show the reponses of these. You can send requests with the shown attributes in your favorite language. 

There are two different formats the responses can be generated, JSON and XML. Depending on what kind of response you prefer you can change the format in the backend. 

Sleekshop has one endpoint which you can find in your backend in the administration -> API - section. So each request contains the request the authentification credentials (you find them also in you backend Administration -> API - section) and finally the attributes which you have to send to receive the desired response. 

On the right side you find an example - request which delivers the contents in the category specified by its id.


  • id_category (int)

    The ID of the category you want to pull the data from.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    An array containing the attributes you want to pull. This can limit the size of the response.

  • language (string)

    A valid language code.

As mentioned there are always three mandatory arguments: 

  • licence_username
  • licence_password
  • request

To avoid repetitions we wont explain these three arguments in the following examples.

The above arguments explanation is in the format we will explain all coming requests. The name of the argument and its type in brackets. Under this you find an explanation.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_shopobjects_in_category' \ -d id_category=1 \ -d needed_attributes='[["name","price"],["variations"]]' \ -d language="de_DE"



  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "Schuh blau":
  "name":"Schuh blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:17:46",
  "permalink": "blaue-laufschuhe-robust",
  "title": "Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche",
  "description": "Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer",
  "keywords": "blau,Schuhe,Laufschuhe"

  "quantity": 5,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh blau"

    ,                                "price":



   "Jacke rot M":
  "name":"Jacke rot M",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:29:14",
  "permalink": "warme-herren-winterjacke",
  "title": "Superwarme und flauschige Winterjacke für Männer",
  "description": "Winterjacke für jedes Wetter!",
  "keywords": "warm,winter,maenner,jacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Winterjacke rot M"

    ,                                "price":



   "Polar Jacket blau":
  "name":"Polar Jacket blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:36:37",
  "permalink": "blaue-funktionsjacke-baumwolle",
  "title": "Damen Funktionsjacke aus BIO-Baumwolle",
  "description": "Blaue Funktionsjacke für Damen",
  "keywords": "damen,blau,bio,baumwolle,funktionsjacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Polar Jacket blau"

    ,                                "price":



   "Mütze orange":
  "name":"Mütze orange",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:19:24",
  "permalink": "muetze-orange-onesize",
  "title": "Trendige Mütze mit Aztekenmuster",
  "description": "Superwarme und flauschige Mütze",
  "keywords": "warm, flauschig, orange, muetze, aztekenmuster"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 2,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Mu00fctze orange"

    ,                                "price":



   "Mütze schwarz":
  "name":"Mütze schwarz",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:24:52",
  "permalink": "flauschiger-schneehut-schwarz",
  "title": "Superweicher schwarzer Schneehut",
  "description": "Warmer Schneehut der Trendmarke SchneeHut",
  "keywords": "schwarz, schneehut, weich, warm"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":" Schneehut schwarz"

    ,                                "price":



   "Pullover S":
  "name":"Pullover S",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:32:43",
  "permalink": "hunting-pullover-herren",
  "title": "Trendiger Hunting Herrenpullover",
  "description": "Pullover für Herren der Marke Hunting",
  "keywords": "hunting, robust, warm, dunkelgrau, herren"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Hunting Pullover S"

    ,                                "price":



    "Teaser 1":
  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":


    ,                    "text":



      "Teaser 2":
  "name":"Teaser 2",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:42:29",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":


    ,                    "text":



      "teaser 3":
  "name":"teaser 3",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:44:19",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":


    ,                    "text":






Here we receive a json - object containing all shopobjects in the determined category.
                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Schuh blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:17:46</creation_date>
<title>Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche</title>
<description>Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="154">
<value>Laufschuh blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="157">


<name>Jacke rot M</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:29:14</creation_date>
<title>Superwarme und flauschige Winterjacke für Männer</title>
<description>Winterjacke für jedes Wetter!</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="229">
<value>Winterjacke rot M</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="232">


<name>Polar Jacket blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:36:37</creation_date>
<title>Damen Funktionsjacke aus BIO-Baumwolle</title>
<description>Blaue Funktionsjacke für Damen</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="366">
<value>Polar Jacket blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="369">


<name>Mütze orange</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:19:24</creation_date>
<title>Trendige Mütze mit Aztekenmuster</title>
<description>Superwarme und flauschige Mütze</description>
<keywords>warm, flauschig, orange, muetze, aztekenmuster</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="422">
<value>Mütze orange</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="425">


<name>Mütze schwarz</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:24:52</creation_date>
<title>Superweicher schwarzer Schneehut</title>
<description>Warmer Schneehut der Trendmarke SchneeHut</description>
<keywords>schwarz, schneehut, weich, warm</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="452">
<value> Schneehut schwarz</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="455">


<name>Pullover S</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:32:43</creation_date>
<title>Trendiger Hunting Herrenpullover</title>
<description>Pullover für Herren der Marke Hunting</description>
<keywords>hunting, robust, warm, dunkelgrau, herren</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="467">
<value>Hunting Pullover S</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="470">


<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>

<attribute type="IMG" id="51">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="52">

<attribute type="TXT" id="53">



<name>Teaser 2</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:42:29</creation_date>

<attribute type="IMG" id="54">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="55">

<attribute type="TXT" id="56">



<name>teaser 3</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:44:19</creation_date>

<attribute type="IMG" id="57">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="58">

<attribute type="TXT" id="59">




The corresponding xml response.


This request returns the shopobjects in the category. 

This request has the following structure:

category This contains informations about the corresponding category.
products A section which contains the products in the category.
contents A section which contains all contents in this category.


Objected oriented approach.

One of the most important structures provided by sleekshop is the flexible data - model an the classes covering them. Customers, products, warehouse - entities and content - elements are all shopobjects. Each shopobject is defined by classes in the backend. These classes contain attributes with different names, labels and datatypes.  So you can form every needed data - structure in the backend. After creation of these data structures the merchant can create objects out of the given classes with the desired attributes. 

These created objects can be referenced by the API like the example request on the right hand side, where we want to fetch the details of the product with the id: 37.


  • product (int)

    The ID of the product you want to pull the data from.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    An array containing the attributes you want to pull. This can limit the size of the response. Here we just pull the fields name and price and also want to hide the variations if there are some.

  • language (string)

    A valid language code.

This request delivers data of the desired product. Which data sleekshop returns depends first of all on the class the product extends and can be restricted with "needed_attributes". In the example we only want to fetch the data of the attributes "name" and "price". We also want to hide the variations.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_product_details' \ -d id_product=37 \ -d needed_attributes='[["name","price"],["variations"]]' \ -d language="de_DE"

Here the product with the 37 is requested.


  "name":"Pullover S",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:32:43",
  "permalink": "hunting-pullover-herren",
  "title": "Trendiger Hunting Herrenpullover",
  "description": "Pullover für Herren der Marke Hunting",
  "keywords": "hunting, robust, warm, dunkelgrau, herren"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Hunting Pullover S"

    ,                                "price":



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<name>Pullover S</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:32:43</creation_date>
<title>Trendiger Hunting Herrenpullover</title>
<description>Pullover für Herren der Marke Hunting</description>
<keywords>hunting, robust, warm, dunkelgrau, herren</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="467">
<value>Hunting Pullover S</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="470">



This request returns the shopobject with the determined id: 37

This request has the following structure:

seo-block A SEO - Block containing all SEO - relevant data.
availability-block A block containing informations concerning the availability of the product.
metadata-block A block containing some metadata - stuff.
attributes-block A block containing all attributes selected by the query. Each attribute has a type, a name, a label and a value.


Sleekshops e-commerce processing.

There are several steps a customer passes during a normal checkout in e-commerce. The following figure shows the steps.


Lets start with your first request.

If you don't have a sleekshop - backend, create one here : startnow. We recommend you to choose "demoshop" as sample - data.

1. Create a class

If you already have classes and products you can go to step 2.

First create your first class by clicking: Administration->Objects->Create a new class.

After this enter a name describing your class and click on the button "Create class". 

Now create some attributes by clicking on the "Create new attribute" button. 

A new row appears where you can add name, datatype and label for your attribute. 

Lets assume that you have created a instanceable object named test with the following attributes: 

  • name - int
  • short_description - txt
  • price - float

Close the window and click on the item "Products" in the menu. Then click on the green "plus - sign". Here you chose a name for your instance and the class you have created before.

The determined attributes appear. Make the product "shop active" edit the attributes in your favorite language and save the product.

On the right - hand side you see the id of the product. 

2. Execute an api call

Lets pull the informations given for this product.

Therefore you can execute the given curl - request on the right - hand side. Remember to enter your ID.

We highly recommend to use our Postman library to get started: Click here 

All requests are collected in the postman file and are ready to execute after you replace your api-credentials.


  • id_product (int)

    The ID of the product you want to pull the data from.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    An array containing the attributes you want to pull. This can limit the size of the response. Here we just pull the fields name and price and also want to hide the variations if there are some.

  • language (string)

    A valid language code.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

Remember to use your api - credentials and your id_product.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_product_details' \ -d id_product=87 \ -d needed_attributes='[]' \ -d language="de_DE"

Here we pull the informations for the product with the id 87.


  "creation_date":"2018-04-17 21:56:46",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",



    ,                    "short_description":

  "value":"here the short_description"

    ,                                "price":



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2018-04-17 21:56:46</creation_date>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="865">

<attribute type="TXT" id="866">
<value>here the short_description</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="867">




This request returns the shopobject with the determined id: 37

This request has the following structure:

seo-block A SEO - Block containing all SEO - relevant data.
availability-block A block containing informations concerning the availability of the product.
metadata-block A block containing some metadata - stuff.
attributes-block A block containing all attributes selected by the query. Each attribute has a type, a name, a label and a value.

Using Postman

You can use postman for execution of the requests described.

We highly recommend you to download postman and run the following collection which includes all requests in this documentation. After importing the collection you have to set the environment - variables in the collection. Just click the following button or search in postman for sleekshops api:

Postman enables you to execute all the sleekshop - requests comfortable via postman - application. 

For more informations about postman visit: Postman Website


How sessions work and how they are used.

The sleekshop sessions are used to identify the user interacting with the frontend, which sends and receives data from the backend via API. Some functions doesn't need to identify the special user like get_products_in_category or similar functions. But a lot functions need session. If you add an item into your cart, the users cart is stored in the sleekshop - backend and you as an developer need to know to which visitor the cart belongs. Therefore we need sessions.

This sessions has to be stored on the frontend - side of the corresponding user, for instance in a cookie. 


Delivers a new session.


  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_new_session'


  "creation_date":"2018-05-01 14:56:27",
  "expiration_date":"2018-05-02 14:56:27",

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2018-05-01 14:54:59</creation_date>
<expiration_date>2018-05-02 14:54:59</expiration_date>


creation_dateDate of creation for the session.
expiration_dateDate of expiration for the session.
codeThe session code which has to be used for identifying this session.


Delivers the categories with the parent defined by id.


  • id_parent (int)

    The id of the parent category.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

Each Category in the sleekshop backend has an unique id. This category can contain other categories beneath it.

For the language you have to use a valid language-code. Valid codes can be found here: language codes


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_categories' \ -d id_parent=2 \ -d language='en_EN'



  "name": "Categories",
  "prio": 2,
  "id": 2,
  "id_parent": 0,
  "label": "Categories",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>







parent_categorySection containing informations about the parent category.
categoriesSection containing all categories with the category as parent defined by the ID.


Delivers products contained in a category defined by its id.


  • id_category (int)

    The id of the category.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_products_in_category' \ -d id_category=1 \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d country="DE" \ -d order_columns=["price"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the products in the category with the id:1. We want the products to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE" for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the products to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".



  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "Schuh blau":
  "name":"Schuh blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:17:46",
  "permalink": "blaue-laufschuhe-robust",
  "title": "Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche",
  "description": "Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer",
  "keywords": "blau,Schuhe,Laufschuhe"

  "quantity": 5,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh blau"

    ,                                "price":


      "Schuh grün":
  "name":"Schuh grün",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:24:01",
  "permalink": "gruen-laufschuh-herren",
  "title": "Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün",
  "description": "Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh",
  "keywords": "laufen,schuhe,herren,neu,widerstandsfaehig"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh gru00fcn"

    ,                                "price":



    "Schuh rot":
  "name":"Schuh rot",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:25:33",
  "permalink": "laufschuh-sportlich-herren",
  "title": "Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot",
  "description": "Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren",
  "keywords": "robust,laufen,modisch,maenner,herren"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh rot"

    ,                                "price":






                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Schuh blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:17:46</creation_date>
<title>Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche</title>
<description>Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="154">
<value>Laufschuh blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="157">

<name>Schuh grün</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:24:01</creation_date>
<title>Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün</title>
<description>Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="184">
<value>Laufschuh grün</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="187">



<name>Schuh rot</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:25:33</creation_date>
<title>Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot</title>
<description>Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="199">
<value>Laufschuh rot</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="202">






categorySection containing informations about the category.
productsSection containing all products in the category.


Delivers contents contained in a category defined by its id.


  • id_category (int)

    The id of the category.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order column.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_contents_in_category' \ -d id_category=1 \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d order_columns=["name"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=2 \ -d needed_attributes='["headline","img"]'

Here we are requesting the contents in the category with the id:1. We want the contents to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE". Further we want the contents to be listed ordered by the name descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 2 so only 2 contents will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "headline" and "img".



  "permalink": "start",
  "title": "demo",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "Teaser 1":
  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":



   "Teaser 2":
  "name":"Teaser 2",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:42:29",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>




<name>Teaser 2</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:42:29</creation_date>






categorySection containing informations about the category.
contentsSection containing all contents in the category.


Delivers products and contents contained in a category defined by its id.


  • id_category (int)

    The id of the category.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_shopobjects_in_category' \ -d id_category=1 \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d country="DE" \ -d order_columns=["price"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the products and contents in the category with the id:1. We want the objects to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE" for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the objects to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price". Here there is no option to define separated "needed_attributes" for contents and products.



  "permalink": "start",
  "title": "demo",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "Schuh blau":
  "name":"Schuh blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:17:46",
  "permalink": "blaue-laufschuhe-robust",
  "title": "Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche",
  "description": "Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer",
  "keywords": "blau,Schuhe,Laufschuhe"

  "quantity": 5,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh blau"

    ,                                "price":


      "Schuh grün":
  "name":"Schuh grün",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:24:01",
  "permalink": "gruen-laufschuh-herren",
  "title": "Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün",
  "description": "Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh",
  "keywords": "laufen,schuhe,herren,neu,widerstandsfaehig"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh gru00fcn"

    ,                                "price":



    "Schuh rot":
  "name":"Schuh rot",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:25:33",
  "permalink": "laufschuh-sportlich-herren",
  "title": "Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot",
  "description": "Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren",
  "keywords": "robust,laufen,modisch,maenner,herren"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh rot"

    ,                                "price":




    "Teaser 1":
  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":


    ,                    "text":






                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Schuh blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:17:46</creation_date>
<title>Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche</title>
<description>Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="154">
<value>Laufschuh blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="157">

<name>Schuh grün</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:24:01</creation_date>
<title>Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün</title>
<description>Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="184">
<value>Laufschuh grün</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="187">



<name>Schuh rot</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:25:33</creation_date>
<title>Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot</title>
<description>Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="199">
<value>Laufschuh rot</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="202">




<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>

<attribute type="IMG" id="51">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="52">

<attribute type="TXT" id="53">





categorySection containing informations about the category.
productsSection containing all products in the category.
contentsSection containing all contents in the category.


Delivers products and contents recursively where the id_category determines the root where the iteration begins.


  • id_category (int)

    The id of the category.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.needed_attributes (json-array)

  • depth (int)

    Specifies the depth you want to be listed in the tree you are iterating. If you use 0 then the maximum available depth will be iterated.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='dump_category' \ -d id_category=2 \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d country="DE" \ -d order_columns=["price"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the products and contents in the category with the id:1. Further we want all data in the child - nodes. These data will be derived recursively. We want the data to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE" for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the data to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".


  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "permalink": "jacken",
  "title": "Jacken",
  "description": "Jacken",
  "keywords": "jacken"

            "Jacke rot M":

  "name":"Jacke rot M",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:29:14",
  "permalink": "warme-herren-winterjacke",
  "title": "Superwarme und flauschige Winterjacke für Männer",
  "description": "Winterjacke für jedes Wetter!",
  "keywords": "warm,winter,maenner,jacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Winterjacke rot M"

    ,                                "price":


      "Jacke rot S":
  "name":"Jacke rot S",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:31:45",
  "permalink": "winterjacke-warm-maenner",
  "title": "Warme Winterjacke für Herren",
  "description": "Winterjacke in superweicher Qualität",
  "keywords": "weich,warm,maenner,herren,winter,jacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Winterjacke rot S"

    ,                                "price":



    "Jacke rot L":
  "name":"Jacke rot L",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:32:09",
  "permalink": "wasserdicht-herren-jacke",
  "title": "Wasserdichte Herrenjacke in rot",
  "description": "Coole Outdoorjacke in rot für Herren",
  "keywords": "warm,wasserdicht,atmungsaktiv,chic"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"winterjacke rot L"

    ,                                "price":



    "Jacke rot XL":
  "name":"Jacke rot XL",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:32:37",
  "permalink": "allwetter-herren-rot",
  "title": "Herrenoutdoorjacke",
  "description": "Allwetterjacke für Herren",
  "keywords": "allwetter,outdoor,herren,rot,wasserdicht"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"winterjacke rot XL"

    ,                                "price":





  "permalink": "schuhe",
  "title": "Schuhe",
  "description": "Schuhe",
  "keywords": "schuhe"

            "Schuh blau":

  "name":"Schuh blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:17:46",
  "permalink": "blaue-laufschuhe-robust",
  "title": "Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche",
  "description": "Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer",
  "keywords": "blau,Schuhe,Laufschuhe"

  "quantity": 5,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh blau"

    ,                                "price":


      "Schuh grün":
  "name":"Schuh grün",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:24:01",
  "permalink": "gruen-laufschuh-herren",
  "title": "Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün",
  "description": "Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh",
  "keywords": "laufen,schuhe,herren,neu,widerstandsfaehig"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh gru00fcn"

    ,                                "price":



    "Schuh rot":
  "name":"Schuh rot",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:25:33",
  "permalink": "laufschuh-sportlich-herren",
  "title": "Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot",
  "description": "Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren",
  "keywords": "robust,laufen,modisch,maenner,herren"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh rot"

    ,                                "price":





  "permalink": "muetzen",
  "title": "Mützen",
  "description": "Mützen",
  "keywords": "mützen"

            "Schneehut dunkelblau":

  "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 17:22:22",
  "permalink": "dunkelblau-schneehut-warm",
  "title": "Dunkelblauer Schneehut",
  "description": "Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau",
  "keywords": "dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze"

  "quantity": 14,
  "quantity_warning": 6,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "123321",


  "value":"Schneehut dunkelblau"

    ,                                "price":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>



<name>Jacke rot M</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:29:14</creation_date>
<title>Superwarme und flauschige Winterjacke für Männer</title>
<description>Winterjacke für jedes Wetter!</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="229">
<value>Winterjacke rot M</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="232">

<name>Jacke rot S</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:31:45</creation_date>
<title>Warme Winterjacke für Herren</title>
<description>Winterjacke in superweicher Qualität</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="254">
<value>Winterjacke rot S</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="257">



<name>Jacke rot L</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:32:09</creation_date>
<title>Wasserdichte Herrenjacke in rot</title>
<description>Coole Outdoorjacke in rot für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="282">
<value>winterjacke rot L</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="285">



<name>Jacke rot XL</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:32:37</creation_date>
<description>Allwetterjacke für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="310">
<value>winterjacke rot XL</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="313">








<name>Schuh blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:17:46</creation_date>
<title>Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche</title>
<description>Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="154">
<value>Laufschuh blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="157">

<name>Schuh grün</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:24:01</creation_date>
<title>Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün</title>
<description>Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="184">
<value>Laufschuh grün</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="187">



<name>Schuh rot</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:25:33</creation_date>
<title>Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot</title>
<description>Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="199">
<value>Laufschuh rot</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="202">








<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 17:22:22</creation_date>
<title>Dunkelblauer Schneehut</title>
<description>Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<keywords>dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="532">
<value>Schneehut dunkelblau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="535">









parent_categorySection containing informations about the corresponding parent category.
products_in_categorySection containing all products in the category.
contents_in_categorySection containing all contents in the category.
shop_categoriesSection containing children of the category.


Delivers products contained in a category defined by its permalink.


  • permalink (string)

    A valid permalink of the category.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='seo_get_products_in_category' \ -d permalink='jacken' \ -d country="DE" \ -d order_columns=["price"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the products in the category determined by the attribute permalink. We want the products to be listed  for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the products to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".



  "permalink": "jacken",
  "title": "Jacken",
  "description": "Jacken",
  "keywords": "jacken"

  "Jacke rot M":
  "name":"Jacke rot M",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:29:14",
  "permalink": "warme-herren-winterjacke",
  "title": "Superwarme und flauschige Winterjacke für Männer",
  "description": "Winterjacke für jedes Wetter!",
  "keywords": "warm,winter,maenner,jacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Winterjacke rot M"

    ,                                "price":


      "Jacke rot S":
  "name":"Jacke rot S",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:31:45",
  "permalink": "winterjacke-warm-maenner",
  "title": "Warme Winterjacke für Herren",
  "description": "Winterjacke in superweicher Qualität",
  "keywords": "weich,warm,maenner,herren,winter,jacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Winterjacke rot S"

    ,                                "price":



    "Jacke rot L":
  "name":"Jacke rot L",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:32:09",
  "permalink": "wasserdicht-herren-jacke",
  "title": "Wasserdichte Herrenjacke in rot",
  "description": "Coole Outdoorjacke in rot für Herren",
  "keywords": "warm,wasserdicht,atmungsaktiv,chic"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"winterjacke rot L"

    ,                                "price":



    "Jacke rot XL":
  "name":"Jacke rot XL",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:32:37",
  "permalink": "allwetter-herren-rot",
  "title": "Herrenoutdoorjacke",
  "description": "Allwetterjacke für Herren",
  "keywords": "allwetter,outdoor,herren,rot,wasserdicht"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"winterjacke rot XL"

    ,                                "price":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Jacke rot M</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:29:14</creation_date>
<title>Superwarme und flauschige Winterjacke für Männer</title>
<description>Winterjacke für jedes Wetter!</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="229">
<value>Winterjacke rot M</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="232">

<name>Jacke rot S</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:31:45</creation_date>
<title>Warme Winterjacke für Herren</title>
<description>Winterjacke in superweicher Qualität</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="254">
<value>Winterjacke rot S</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="257">



<name>Jacke rot L</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:32:09</creation_date>
<title>Wasserdichte Herrenjacke in rot</title>
<description>Coole Outdoorjacke in rot für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="282">
<value>winterjacke rot L</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="285">



<name>Jacke rot XL</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:32:37</creation_date>
<description>Allwetterjacke für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="310">
<value>winterjacke rot XL</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="313">






categorySection containing informations about the category.
productsSection containing all products in the category.


Delivers contents contained in a category defined by its permalink.


  • permalink (string)

    A valid permalink of the category.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order column.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='seo_get_contents_in_category' \ -d permalink='start' \ -d order_columns=["price"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the contents in the category determined by the attribute permalink. Further we want the contents to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".



  "permalink": "start",
  "title": "demo",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "Teaser 1":
  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>






categorySection containing informations about the category.
contentsSection containing all contents in the category.


Delivers products and contents contained in a category defined by its permalink.


  • permalink (string)

    A valid permalink.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='seo_get_shopobjects_in_category' \ -d permalink='start' \ -d country="DE" \ -d order_columns=["price"] \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the products and contents in the category determined by permalink. We want the objects to be listed in  for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the objects to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 object will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".



  "permalink": "start",
  "title": "demo",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "Schuh blau":
  "name":"Schuh blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:17:46",
  "permalink": "blaue-laufschuhe-robust",
  "title": "Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche",
  "description": "Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer",
  "keywords": "blau,Schuhe,Laufschuhe"

  "quantity": 5,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh blau"

    ,                                "price":


      "Schuh grün":
  "name":"Schuh grün",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:24:01",
  "permalink": "gruen-laufschuh-herren",
  "title": "Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün",
  "description": "Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh",
  "keywords": "laufen,schuhe,herren,neu,widerstandsfaehig"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh gru00fcn"

    ,                                "price":



    "Schuh rot":
  "name":"Schuh rot",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:25:33",
  "permalink": "laufschuh-sportlich-herren",
  "title": "Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot",
  "description": "Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren",
  "keywords": "robust,laufen,modisch,maenner,herren"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Laufschuh rot"

    ,                                "price":




    "Teaser 1":
  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":


    ,                    "text":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<name>Schuh blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:17:46</creation_date>
<title>Blaue Laufschuhe mit wasserdichter Oberfläche</title>
<description>Blaue Laufschuhe für Männer</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="154">
<value>Laufschuh blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="157">

<name>Schuh grün</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:24:01</creation_date>
<title>Stylischer Herrenlaufschuh in grün</title>
<description>Aus der neuen Kollektion: Unser &amp;amp;quot;Lauf,Schuh!&amp;amp;quot;-Herrenlaufschuh</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="184">
<value>Laufschuh grün</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="187">



<name>Schuh rot</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:25:33</creation_date>
<title>Modischer Herrenlaufschuh in rot</title>
<description>Robuster und langlebiger Laufschuh für Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="199">
<value>Laufschuh rot</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="202">




<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>

<attribute type="IMG" id="51">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="52">

<attribute type="TXT" id="53">





categorySection containing informations about the category.
productsSection containing all products in the category.
contentsSection containing all contents in the category.


This request can be used to create categories. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_parent (int)

    The id of the parent - category. Use 0 if you want to add a node at the root.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new category.

  • labels (json-array)

    A JSON - array containing the labels for the category.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

labels (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and the desired label as value. As an example, if you want to set the label in german with the value myvalue, you would provide the following array:


attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_category' \ -d id_parent=123 \ -d name='name_new' \ -d labels='{"de_DE":"123321"}' \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}' \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the category just created.


This request can be used to update categories. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_category (int)

    The id of the parent - category. Use 0 if you want to add a node at the root.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new category.

  • labels (json-array)

    A JSON - array containing the labels for the category.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

labels (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and the desired label as value. As an example, if you want to set the label in german with the value myvalue, you would provide the following array:


attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='update_category' \ -d id_category=123 \ -d name='name_new' \ -d labels='{"de_DE":"123321"}' \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}' \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to delete categories. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_category (int)

    The id of the parent - category. Use 0 if you want to add a node at the root.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_category' \ -d id_category=123 \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


Delivers the details of a given class determined by its id.


  • id_class (int)

    The id of the corresponding class.

  • language (string)

    A valid language - code. 

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='get_class_details' \ -d id_class=265 \ -d language='de_DE'


    "object": "class",
    "id": 265,
    "name": "test",
    "creation_date": "2024-06-14 02:01:51",
    "attributes": {
        "attribute_5122": {
            "type": "CHAR",
            "id": 5123,
            "name": "attribute_5122",
            "label": "",
            "value": ""
        "short_description": {
            "type": "TXT",
            "id": 5124,
            "name": "short_description",
            "label": "Kurzbeschreibung",
            "value": ""
        "price": {
            "type": "FLOAT",
            "id": 5125,
            "name": "price",
            "label": "Preis",
            "value": 0

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <creation_date>2024-06-14 02:01:51</creation_date>
        <attribute type="CHAR" id="5123">
        <attribute type="TXT" id="5124">
        <attribute type="FLOAT" id="5125">


This request can be used to create classes. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • name (string)

    The name of the class you want to create.

  • type (string)

    A valid type (product, content, warehouse_entity, user).

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

name (string):

A unique name which determines the class.

type (string):

A valid type which can be one of the following:

  • product
  • content
  • warehouse_entity
  • user


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_class' \ -d name='your-class' \ -d type='product'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the class just created.


This request can be used to delete classes.


  • id_class (int)

    The id of the class you want to delete.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_class' \ -d id_class=163





statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to create class-attributes. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_class (int)

    The id of the corresponding class.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to create. 

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array which contains arrays, one for each attribute. The attribute arrays contain the name and the type followed by language key which also contains an array with label and value:

[{"name":"test", "type":"TXT", "de_DE":{"label":"testlabel", "value":"test-val"}}]


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_class_attributes' \ -d id_class=42 \ -d attributes='[{"name":"test","type":"TXT","de_DE":{"label":"testlabel","value":"test-val"}}]'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


This request can be used to delete class-attributes. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_class (int)

    The id of the corresponding class.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to create. 

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array which contains the attributes by name we want to delete:



curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_class_attributes' \ -d id_class=42 \ -d attributes='["attr1","attr2"]'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


Delivers the product - details for the product defined by its id.


  • id_product (int)

    The id of the product.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_product_details' \ -d id_product=42 \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d country="DE" \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the product - details for the product with the id:42. We want the product to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE" for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE".. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".


  "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 17:22:22",
  "permalink": "dunkelblau-schneehut-warm",
  "title": "Dunkelblauer Schneehut",
  "description": "Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau",
  "keywords": "dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze"

  "quantity": 15,
  "quantity_warning": 6,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "123321",


     "permalink": "start",
     "title": "demo"


  "value":"Schneehut dunkelblau"

    ,                                "price":




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 17:22:22</creation_date>
<title>Dunkelblauer Schneehut</title>
<description>Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<keywords>dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>



<attribute type="CHAR" id="532">
<value>Schneehut dunkelblau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="535">




idThe id of the product.
nameThe name of the product.
creation_dateThe creation date of the product.
classThe class of the product.
seoThe SEO - section for the product.
availabilityThe availability - section for the product.
metadataThe metadata section of the product.
categoriesThe categories section of the product.
attributesThe attributes section of the product.
variationsThe section containing all variations.


Delivers the content - details for the product defined by its id.


  • id_content (int)

    The id of the content object.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_content_details' \ -d id_content=5 \ -d language="de_DE"

Here we are requesting the content - details for the content with the id:5. We want the product to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE".


  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                "headline":


    ,                    "text":



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>

<attribute type="IMG" id="51">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="52">

<attribute type="TXT" id="53">




idThe id of the content.
nameThe name of the content.
creation_dateThe creation date of the content.
classThe class of the content.
seoThe SEO - section for the content.
attributesThe attributes section of the content.
variationsThe section containing all variations. In the actual version this section will always be empty for content - objects.


Delivers the product - details for the product defined by its permalink.


  • permalink (string)

    The permalink of the product.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='seo_get_product_details' \ -d permalink='dunkelblau-schneehut-warm' \ -d country="DE" \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the product determined by the permalink. We want the product to be listed  for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".


  "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 17:22:22",
  "permalink": "dunkelblau-schneehut-warm",
  "title": "Dunkelblauer Schneehut",
  "description": "Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau",
  "keywords": "dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze"

  "quantity": 15,
  "quantity_warning": 6,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "123321",


     "permalink": "start",
     "title": "demo"


  "value":"Schneehut dunkelblau"

    ,                                "price":




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 17:22:22</creation_date>
<title>Dunkelblauer Schneehut</title>
<description>Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<keywords>dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>



<attribute type="CHAR" id="532">
<value>Schneehut dunkelblau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="535">




idThe id of the product.
nameThe name of the product.
creation_dateThe creation date of the product.
classThe class of the product.
seoThe SEO - section for the product.
availabilityThe availability - section for the product.
metadataThe metadata section of the product.
categoriesThe categories section of the product.
attributesThe attributes section of the product.
variationsThe section containing all variations.


Delivers the content - details for the content defined by its permalink.


  • permalink (string)

    The permalink of the object.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='seo_get_content_details' \ -d permalink='impressum'

Here we are requesting the content - details for the content determined by its permalink. 


  "creation_date":"2016-07-29 16:04:24",
  "permalink": "impressum",
  "title": "Impressum",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""



    ,                                            "content":

  "value":"<p>Hier steht das Impressum</p><br><p><br></p>"

    ,            "img":



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2016-07-29 16:04:24</creation_date>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="647">

<attribute type="HTML" id="648">
<value>&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Hier steht das Impressum&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;</value>

<attribute type="IMG" id="649">




idThe id of the content.
nameThe name of the content.
creation_dateThe creation date of the content.
classThe class of the content.
seoThe SEO - section for the content.
attributesThe attributes section of the content.
variationsThe section containing all variations. In the actual version this section will always be empty for content - objects.


This request can be used to create products. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • class (string)

    The class of the product you want to create.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • shop_active (int)

    Indicating wether the product is shop_active or not. Use 1 for active an 0 for inactive.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • metadata (json-array)

    A json - array with all metadata you want to set.

  • availability (json-array)

    A json - array with all availability - data.

  • categories (json-array)

    A json - array containing all categories you want the product to be in.

  • add_binding (boolean)

    This parameter determines wether the created product shall be bound to its warehouse_entity which is the normal behavior. 

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords

metadata (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the metadata as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the element_number with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • element_number
  • ean
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • kg
  • taxclass (use the name of the corresponding class)

availability (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the availability-field as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the quantity with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • quantity
  • quantity_warning
  • active (0 or 1)
  • allow_override (0 or 1)

categories (json-array)

This array is an  array containing the categories by name you want the product to be in. So if you want to add the product to the categories cat1 and cat2 then you provide the following array:

["cat1", "cat2]


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_product' \ -d class='your-class' \ -d name='name_new2' \ -d shop_active=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d metadata='{"element_number":"12asddsa3321"}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}' \ -d availability='{"quantity":2,"active":1}'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the product just created.


This request can be used to update products. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_product (int)

    The id of the product you want to update.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • shop_active (int)

    Indicating wether the product is shop_active or not. Use 1 for active an 0 for inactive.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • metadata (json-array)

    A json - array with all metadata you want to set.

  • availability (json-array)

    A json - array with all availability - data.

  • categories (json-array)

    A json - array containing all categories you want the product to be in.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords

metadata (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the metadata as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the element_number with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • element_number
  • ean
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • kg
  • taxclass (use the name of the corresponding class)

availability (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the availability-field as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the quantity with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • quantity
  • quantity_warning
  • active (0 or 1)
  • allow_override (0 or 1)

categories (json-array)

This array is an  array containing the categories by name you want the product to be in. So if you want to add the product to the categories cat1 and cat2 then you provide the following array:

["cat1", "cat2]


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='update_product' \ -d id_product=163 \ -d name='name_new2' \ -d shop_active=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d metadata='{"element_number":"12asddsa3321"}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}' \ -d availability='{"quantity":2,"active":1}'





statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to create variations of products. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_product (int)

    The id of the product you want to create a variation for.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • shop_active (int)

    Indicating wether the product is shop_active or not. Use 1 for active an 0 for inactive.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • metadata (json-array)

    A json - array with all metadata you want to set.

  • availability (json-array)

    A json - array with all availability - data.

  • categories (json-array)

    A json - array containing all categories you want the product to be in.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords

metadata (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the metadata as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the element_number with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • element_number
  • ean
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • kg

availability (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the availability-field as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the quantity with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • quantity
  • quantity_warning
  • active (0 or 1)
  • allow_override (0 or 1)

categories (json-array)

This array is an  array containing the categories by name you want the product to be in. So if you want to add the product to the categories cat1 and cat2 then you provide the following array:

["cat1", "cat2]


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_variation' \ -d id_product=163 \ -d name='name_new_variation' \ -d shop_active=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d metadata='{"element_number":"123321"}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}' \ -d availability='{"quantity":2,"active":1}'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the product just created.


This request can be used to delete products.


  • id_product (int)

    The id of the product you want to delete.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_product' \ -d id_product=163





statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to create contents. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • class (string)

    The class of the product you want to create.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • shop_active (int)

    Indicating wether the product is shop_active or not. Use 1 for active an 0 for inactive.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • categories (json-array)

    A json - array containing all categories you want the product to be in.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords

categories (json-array)

This array is an  array containing the categories by name you want the product to be in. So if you want to add the product to the categories cat1 and cat2 then you provide the following array:

["cat1", "cat2]


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_content' \ -d class='your-class' \ -d name='name_new2' \ -d shop_active=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}' \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the content just created.


This request can be used to update contents. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_content (int)

    The id of the content you want to update.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • shop_active (int)

    Indicating wether the product is shop_active or not. Use 1 for active an 0 for inactive.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • seo (json-array)

    A json - array with all seo - attributes you want to set.

  • categories (json-array)

    A json - array containing all categories you want the product to be in.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


seo (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for seo fields for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the seo element as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the permalink with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • permalink
  • title
  • description
  • keywords

categories (json-array)

This array is an  array containing the categories by name you want the product to be in. So if you want to add the product to the categories cat1 and cat2 then you provide the following array:

["cat1", "cat2]


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='update_content' \ -d id_content=163 \ -d name='name_new2' \ -d shop_active=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d seo='{"de_DE":{"permalink":"test546576"}}'





statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to delete contents.


  • id_content (int)

    The id of the product you want to delete.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_content' \ -d id_product=163





statusThe status of the operation.


Delivers products matching the constraint defined.


  • constraint (json-array)

    A constraint defining defining which products to deliver.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • country (string)

    A valid country-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order_type (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='search_products' \ -d constraint='{"name":["LIKE","a"]}' \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d country="DE" \ -d order_columns='["price"]' \ -d order_type="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=2 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the products matching the constraint. We want the products to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE" for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the products to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 2 so only 2 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".


  "name":"Polar Jacket blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:36:37",
  "permalink": "blaue-funktionsjacke-baumwolle",
  "title": "Damen Funktionsjacke aus BIO-Baumwolle",
  "description": "Blaue Funktionsjacke für Damen",
  "keywords": "damen,blau,bio,baumwolle,funktionsjacke"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Polar Jacket blau"

    ,                                "price":


      "Polar Jacket pink":
  "name":"Polar Jacket pink",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 14:37:29",
  "permalink": "polar-jacket-damen",
  "title": "Pinke Funktionsjacke für Damen",
  "description": "Damenjacke in Top-Qualität",
  "keywords": "warm,jacke,damen,pink"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Polar Jacket pink"

    ,                                "price":




  "name":"Mütze orange",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:19:24",
  "permalink": "muetze-orange-onesize",
  "title": "Trendige Mütze mit Aztekenmuster",
  "description": "Superwarme und flauschige Mütze",
  "keywords": "warm, flauschig, orange, muetze, aztekenmuster"

  "quantity": 1,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Mu00fctze orange"

    ,                                "price":


      "Mütze blau":
  "name":"Mütze blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:20:50",
  "permalink": "gemusterte-blaue-muetze",
  "title": "Moderne Mütze mit Aztekenmuster und süßen Fransen",
  "description": "Superwarme Mütze mit Fransendetails",
  "keywords": "warm, muetze, fransen, aztekenmuster, unisex"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Mu00fctze blau"

    ,                                "price":







                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:47:51</creation_date>
<title>Grüne Herrensneaker aus Leder</title>
<description>Modischer Sneaker fuer Herren</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="506">
<value>Sneakers grün</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="509">



<name>Polar Jacket blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:36:37</creation_date>
<title>Damen Funktionsjacke aus BIO-Baumwolle</title>
<description>Blaue Funktionsjacke für Damen</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="366">
<value>Polar Jacket blau</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="369">

<name>Polar Jacket pink</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 14:37:29</creation_date>
<title>Pinke Funktionsjacke für Damen</title>
<description>Damenjacke in Top-Qualität</description>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="381">
<value>Polar Jacket pink</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="384">






countThe total number of objects matching the constraint.
limit_countThe number of objects matching our limitations.
resultA listing of all products the search delivered.


Allows you to search contents matching a determined constraint.


  • constraint (json-array)

    The constraint determining which contents to deliver.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order column.

  • order_type (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='search_contents' \ -d constraint='{"":["LIKE","a"]}' \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d order_columns='["price"]' \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=2 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the contents where the name is like "a". We want the contents to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE". Further we want the products to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 2 so only 2 contents will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".


  "name":"Teaser 1",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:38:23",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""


  "name":"Teaser 2",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 12:42:29",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<name>Teaser 1</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:38:23</creation_date>




<name>Teaser 2</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 12:42:29</creation_date>






countThe total number of objects matching the constraint.
limit_countThe number of objects matching our limitations.
resultA listing of all products the search delivered.


Delivers the distinct values of a field in a set of products matching the constraint.


  • constraint (json-array)

    A valid constraint array in json-format.

  • field (string)

    A field-name.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='search_distinct_products' \ -d field='name' \ -d constraint='{"":["LIKE","a"]}' \ -d language="de_DE"

Here we are searching the distinct value of the field name in the set of products where value is like "a"


      "Polar Jacket pink"      ,
         "Polar Jacket blau"      ,
         "winterjacke rot L"      ,
         "Winterjacke rot S"      ,
         "Winterjacke rot M"      ,
         "winterjacke rot XL"      ,
         "Laufschuh blau"      ,
         "Sneakers italian"      ,
         "Schneehut dunkelblau"      ,
         "Mütze blau"      ,
         "Mütze orange"      ,
         "Sneakers grün"      ,
         " Schneehut schwarz"      

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<field>Polar Jacket pink</field>
<field>Polar Jacket blau</field>
<field>winterjacke rot L</field>
<field>Winterjacke rot S</field>
<field>Winterjacke rot M</field>
<field>winterjacke rot XL</field>
<field>Laufschuh blau</field>
<field>Sneakers italian</field>
<field>Schneehut dunkelblau</field>
<field>Mütze blau</field>
<field>Mütze orange</field>
<field>Sneakers grün</field>
<field> Schneehut schwarz</field>



countThe count of found elements.
fieldA set of field values.


Delivers all orders matching the constraint.


  • constraint (json-array)

    A valid constraint.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order column.

  • order_type (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed. Here you can select main order attributes. In the hideblock you can user : cart,attributes,parcels.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='search_orders' \ -d constraint='{"delivery_firstname":"kaveh"}' \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=1

Here we are requesting the orders matching the constraint that defines we want all orders with the delivery_firstname="kaveh"


  "count": 12, 
  "limit_count": 6,
      "creation_date":"2016-11-13 16:31:46",
      "order_delivery_companyname":"sleekcommerce UG",
      "order_invoice_companyname":"sleekcommerce UG",
        "label":"Zahlung nicht erhalten"
        "label":"In Bearbeitung"
        "creation_date":"2016-11-13 16:20:11",

    "name":" Schneehut schwarz",
    "description":"Superflauschiger Schneehut in schwarz - OneSize",
              ,              "sys_tax":
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":


    "description":" ",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2016-11-13 16:31:46</creation_date>
<order_delivery_companyname>sleekcommerce UG</order_delivery_companyname>
<order_invoice_companyname>sleekcommerce UG</order_invoice_companyname>
<payment_state><name>PAYMENT_NOT_RECEIVED</name><label>Zahlung nicht erhalten</label></payment_state>
<delivery_state><name>PROCESSING</name><label>In Bearbeitung</label></delivery_state>
<creation_date>2016-11-13 16:20:11</creation_date>
 <element type="FREE_ELEMENT">
<name> Schneehut schwarz</name>
<description>Superflauschiger Schneehut in schwarz - OneSize</description>
<attributes><attribute name="pic"></attribute><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">23</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">15</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">26</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes>


 <element type="DELIVERY_COSTS">
<description> </description>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes>







idThe id of the order.
order_numberThe order number.
creation_dateThe creation date of the order.
order_delivery fieldsSome fields showing the delivery - data.
order_invoice fieldsSome fields showing the invoice - data.
order_emailThe email of the order.
order_phoneThe order - phone number.
order_notesThe notes for the order.
payment_methodThe payment method.
payment_stateThe payment state informations.
delivery_methodThe delivery method.
delivery_stateThe delivery state informations.
order_stateThe state of the order.
cartThe cart and cart - contents of the order.
parcelsThe corresponding parcels of the order.


Delivers users matching the constraint defined.


  • constraint (json-array)

    A constraint defining defining which products to deliver.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order_type (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='' \ -d request='search_users' \ -d constraint='{"main.firstname":["LIKE","a"]}' \ -d order_columns='["main.username"]' \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=2 \ -d needed_attributes='["name_extra","account"]'

Here we are requesting the users where the main - firstname attribute has an a, and we are sorting by the username DESC.



"reg_date":"2023-05-17 01:56:51",
"value":"street test"






                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
		<reg_date>2023-05-17 01:56:51</reg_date>
			<street>street test</street>





countThe total number of objects matching the constraint.
limit_countThe number of objects matching our limitations.
resultA listing of all warehouse entities the search delivered.


Delivers warehouse entities matching the constraint defined.


  • constraint (json-array)

    A constraint defining defining which products to deliver.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order_type (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • needed_attributes (json-array)

    This arrays specifies a selection of attributes you want to be listed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='' \ -d request='search_products' \ -d constraint='{"name":["LIKE","a"]}' \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d order_columns='["price"]' \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=2 \ -d needed_attributes='["name","price"]'

Here we are requesting the warehouse entities matching the constraint. We want the products to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE". Further we want the entities to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 2 so only 2 warehouse entities will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".



"creation_date":"2021-02-25 00:52:52",

"quantity": 0,
"quantity_warning": 0

"element_number": "",



"value":"Blonde Roast"

, "price":




"name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
"creation_date":"2016-03-25 17:22:22",

"quantity": 102,
"quantity_warning": 2

"element_number": "123321",



"value":"Schneehut dunkelblau"

, "price":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
		<creation_date>2021-02-25 00:52:52</creation_date>
			<attribute type="CHAR" id="2343">
				<value>Blonde Roast</value>

			<attribute type="FLOAT" id="2346">


		<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
		<creation_date>2016-03-25 17:22:22</creation_date>
			<attribute type="CHAR" id="532">
				<value>Schneehut dunkelblau</value>

			<attribute type="FLOAT" id="535">




countThe total number of objects matching the constraint.
limit_countThe number of objects matching our limitations.
resultA listing of all warehouse entities the search delivered.


Delivers classes matching the constraint defined.


  • constraint (json-array)

    A constraint defining defining which classes to deliver.

  • language (string)

    A valid language-code.

  • order_columns (json-array)

    The order columns.

  • order_type (string)

    The order of sorting, valid values are ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • left_limit (int)

    The left limit of your selection.

  • right_limit (int)

    The right limit of your selection.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='' \ -d request='search_classes' \ -d constraint='{"name":["LIKE","a"]}' \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d order_columns='["price"]' \ -d order="DESC" \ -d left_limit=0 \ -d right_limit=2 \


    "object": "search_classes_result",
    "count": 1,
    "limit_count": 1,
    "result": [
            "object": "class",
            "id": 265,
            "name": "test",
            "creation_date": "2024-06-14 02:01:51",
            "attributes": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "CHAR",
                    "id": 5123,
                    "name": "name",
                    "label": "Name",
                    "value": ""
                "short_description": {
                    "type": "TXT",
                    "id": 5124,
                    "name": "short_description",
                    "label": "Kurzbeschreibung",
                    "value": ""
                "price": {
                    "type": "FLOAT",
                    "id": 5125,
                    "name": "price",
                    "label": "Preis",
                    "value": 0

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <creation_date>2024-06-14 02:01:51</creation_date>
            <attribute type="CHAR" id="5123">
            <attribute type="TXT" id="5124">
            <attribute type="FLOAT" id="5125">


countThe total number of objects matching the constraint.
limit_countThe number of objects matching our limitations.
resultA listing of all classes the search delivered.

Adressing attributes

Before constraints can be formed, you need to understand how to address the needed attributes.

Shopobject attributes

Class attributes

You can formulate constraints with different attributes. The normal attributes can be addressed by their names defined in the object - definition.

If you have objects with an attribute named as "name" you can search for products which have the name : "test" when you formulate a constraint like this: 


Main attributes

Each object has also so called "main-attributes" which also can be addressed. These main attributes are the following ones: 

  • id_shopobject (the id of the object)
  • id_variation (the variation id of the object)
  • name (the system name of the object)
  • creation_date (the creation date of the object)
  • class (the class of the object)

If you want to address one of these attributes you have to put the "main-modifier" in front of it. As example, if you want to find objects with the class: product you can form a constraint like this: 



You can also address the corresponding categories of an object. Therefore you have to use the "categories-modifier". 

The following category - attributes are available: 

  • id_shopcategory(the id of the category)
  • name (the name of the category)
  • id_shopcategory_parent (the id of the parent category)
  • label (the label of the category)
  • permalink (the permalink of the category)
  • title (the title of the attribute)
  • path (an attribute containing nodes  like described below)

An example constraint could look like this: 




Category - Path and Nodes

You can also address the node structure of categories that contain shopobjects. The entire node structure is contained in the Path attribute:

  • name (a string that contains the path)
  • path.nodes - array (an array of nodes that belong to the path)

The path nodes can also be addressed: 

  • name ( the name of the node)
  • prio ( the prio )
  • id_parent ( the parent id )
  • label ( the label of the node )

So if you want to address the products that are in a category which belongs to a path that contains a category named : "test" you can form the following constraint: 



Some objects (products) also have metadata informations which also can be addressed. To achieve this you have to use the "metadata-modifier".

The following metadata-attributes can be user:

  • element_number (The unique number of the element SKU)
  • length 
  • width
  • height
  • weight

To search for objects with with the element_number 123 you can use a constraint like this:



There is also the possibility to address the availability attributes of shopobjects (products):

  • quantity (the available quantity)
  • quantity_warning (the warning quantity)
  • allow_override (a flag showing wether an override is allowed or not)

To address these attributes you have to use the "availability - modifier". If you search for products with an availability of 1 you can form the following constraint:



There is also the possibility to address the seo attributes of shopobjects:

  • permalink (the permalink)
  • title (the title)
  • description (the description)
  • keywords (the keywords)

To address these attributes you have to use the "seo - modifier". If you search for products with an seo permalink matching "my-permalink" you can form the following constraint:


The PRODUCT - attribute

You can apply all defined modifiers to attributes of products inherited in a PRODUCTS - attribute. If your PRODUCTS - attribute is named prod and contains products

that have an attribute named color you can search for products that have products in the prod - attribute with the color red:



There is also the possibility to address all the fields of variations of a product:

To address these attributes you have to use the "variations - modifier". If you search for products with with a variation which has the color red:


You can use all modifiers that fit for products also for variations.

Order attributes

Main attributes

There are several possibilities to address order - data attributes. The following fields are available:

  • id_order (the id of the order)
  • order_number (the order number)
  • id_user (the id of the user)
  • username (the username)
  • creation_date
  • modification_date
  • delivery_companyname
  • delivery_department
  • delivery_salutation
  • delivery_firstname
  • delivery_lastname
  • delivery_street
  • delivery_number
  • delivery_zip
  • delivery_state
  • delivery_city
  • delivery_country
  • delivery_country_code
  • invoice_companyname
  • invoice_department
  • invoice_salutation
  • invoice_firstname
  • invoice_lastname
  • invoice_street
  • invoice_number
  • invoice_zip
  • invoice_state
  • invoice_city
  • invoice_country
  • invoice_country_code
  • email
  • phone
  • notes
  • payment_method_name
  • payment_state_name
  • delivery_method_name
  • delivery_state_name
  • order_state_name

If you want to address one of these attributes you have to put the "main-modifier" in front of it. As example, if you want to find order with the delivery_firstname: test you can form a constraint like this: 


Cart attributes

  • id_shopobject 
  • element_number
  • quantity
  • price
  • sum_price
  • name
  • description

You have also the possibility to search for cart contents. Therefore you can use the contents - modifier. If you want to search for orders with cart - elements that have the name product1 then you can form a constraint like this:


Order attributes

You can also search for orders with special attributes you have set while creation. Therefore you can easily use the name of the attribute and the value:


Please notice that all order attributes are saved as strings so the value have to delivered as string.

User attributes

Main attributes

There are several possibilities to address user - data attributes. The following fields are available:

  • status (the status of the user)
  • id_user (the id of the user)
  • username
  • email
  • default_language
  • reg_date
  • first_login
  • last_login
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • companyname
  • department
  • street
  • number
  • zip
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • vat_number

If you want to address one of these attributes you have to put the "main-modifier" in front of it. As example, if you want to find the user with the
firstname: test you can form a constraint like this: 


additional attributes

There attributes are attributes that are inherited by the mother - class. They can be addressed like normal attributes of shopobjects.

So if you have an additional class attribute with the name : test_field and you want to find users where test_field has the value 111 then you can form a constraint like this:


Forming constraints

There are a lot of possibilities to form search constraints. This rich set of elements you can combine enables the formulation of very complex queries which are executed fast and reliable.

AND catenation

You can form easily a combination of AND combination of attributes. To do that you use valid attributes and values combinations in you j-son array, seperated by a comma.

The following example shows a constraint querying all products with the name: test and a price of 100:

{"name":"test", "price":100}

OR catenation

The OR constraints alway begin {with the OR - keyword followed by several attrubute:values combinations. This pieces can be terms with arbitary complexity. The following constraint searches for products with the name:"test" or price:100:


Between operator

You can query objects using the between operator.  You use an attribute identifier where you define a between array as value. 

If you for example want to query products where the price is between 30 and 90 you can formulate the following constraint: 


> (Greater than operator)

The greater than operator is used similar to the between operator. You define a valid attribute and use a json-array as value. If you search all products with the price greater than 100 you can use the following constraint:


< (Less than operator)

The less than operator works exactly like the greater than operator. If you are looking for products with a price less than 100, you can form the following constraint:


LIKE operator

The like operator allows you to implement  fulltext - search over your attributes.  You can use the LIKE - operator by defining an attribute with an array as value where you use the like - operator. If you are searching for objects where the name is like "a" then you can use the following statement: 


IN operator

You can query objects where the desired attribute - value is in an set of given values. As an example you can query all objects with a price in the following set : 100,99,98: 


Complex constraints

The power of the search service unleashes when you start combining all the explained operators. You can combine them in all needed ways as long you have a well-formed json-array.

In the following example we want to query all products where the main name is like "a" and the price bigger than 10 or less than 8:



Adds an element to the cart determined by a session.


  • session (string)

    A valid session code.

  • id_shopobject (int)

    The id of the object you want to add to the cart. The value can also be 0. This is interesting for FREE_ELEMENTS.

  • element_type (string)

    A valid element_type. Valid values are: PRODUCT, PRODUCT_GR, FREE_ELEMENT, FREE_ELEMENT_GR.

  • id_parent_element (int)

    If needed you can add a parent element. This value can also be 0 when no parent is needed.

  • quantity (float)

    The quantity you want to be added.

  • price_field (string)

    A field determining the field the the price is stored. For free elements you can also set the price directly.

  • name_field (string)

    A field determining where the name is stored.

  • description_field (string)

    A field where the description is stored.

  • language (string)

    A valid language - code.

  • country (string)

    A valid country - code.

  • attributes (json-array)

    Additional attributes you want to be stored. A valid attributes - array would be: [{"lang":"de_DE","name":"my_attribute","value":"test"}]

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='add_to_cart' \ -d session=A_VALID_SESSION_CODE \ -d id_shopobject=42 \ -d element_type="PRODUCT" \ -d id_parent_element=0 \ -d quantity=1 \ -d price_field="price" \ -d name_field="name" \ -d description_field="short_description" \ -d language="de_DE" \ -d country="DE"

Here we want to insert a cart into the session cart determined by the session-attribute. The product id is 42 and we want the name field to be used as name and the short_description field as description for the cart element. The price is read out of the price - field. Quantity is 1.


  "creation_date":"2018-08-09 21:16:15",
    "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
    "description":"Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2018-08-09 21:16:15</creation_date>
     <element type="PRODUCT">
<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<description>Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">20</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">18</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">25</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes> 







creation_dateDate of creation.
sumThe total sum of the cart.
contentsA section containing all cart elements.
couponsA section containing the calculated coupons.
delivery_costsA section containing the calculated delivery costs.


Decreases an element from the cart by one.


  • session (string)

    A valid session string.

  • id_element (int)

    A valid element_id. This is the id which is set by the cart, not the id_product.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='sub_from_cart' \ -d session='A_VALID_SESSION_ID' \ -d id_element=A_VALID_ELEMENT_ID

Here we decrease the element count in the cart with the an id that has to be a valid element id.


  "creation_date":"2018-08-09 21:16:15",
    "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
    "description":"Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2018-08-09 21:16:15</creation_date>
     <element type="PRODUCT">
<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<description>Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">20</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">18</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">25</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes> 







cartDelivers a cart.


Deletes an element from the cart.


  • session (string)

    A valid session string.

  • id_element (int)

    A valid element_id. This is the id which is set by the cart, not the id_product.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='del_from_cart' \ -d session='A_VALID_SESSION_ID' \ -d id_element=A_VALID_ELEMENT_ID

Here we delete the element in the cart with the an id that has to be a valid element id.


  "creation_date":"2018-08-09 21:16:15",
    "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
    "description":"Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2018-08-09 21:16:15</creation_date>
     <element type="PRODUCT">
<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<description>Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">20</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">18</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">25</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes> 







cartDelivers a cart.


Deletes the complete cart and delivers an empty one.


  • session (string)

    A valid session string.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='clear_cart' \ -d session='A_VALID_SESSION_ID'


"creation_date":"2022-02-11 03:47:31",






                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
	<creation_date>2022-02-11 03:59:37</creation_date>






cartDelivers a cart.


Delivers the cart and its contents from a given session.


  • session (string)

    A valid session.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_cart' \ -d session='A_VALID_SESSION'

Here we are requesting the products in the category with the id:1. We want the products to be listed in german defined by the language - code "de_DE" for the country germany defined by the country - code "DE". Further we want the products to be listed ordered by the price descending. Left - limit is 0 an right - limit is 1 so only 1 product will be listed. The attributes we want to be listed are "name" and "price".


  "creation_date":"2018-08-09 21:16:15",
    "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
    "description":"Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":





                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2018-08-09 21:16:15</creation_date>
     <element type="PRODUCT">
<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<description>Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">20</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">18</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">25</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes> 







creation_dateDate of creation.
sumThe total sum of the cart.
contentsA section containing all cart elements.
couponsA section containing the calculated coupons.
delivery_costsA section containing the calculated delivery costs.


Is used to create user - accounts via API.


  • language (string)

    The language of the user.

  • args (json-array)

    The data of the user you want to register.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

The following arguments have to be encoded as a json-array which is then sent in the argument named args:

  • username (string)

    The unique username of the user. This is a string with the length between 4 and 60 characters containing a-z A-Z 0-9 !@$

  • passwd1 (string)

    A valid password for the user. This is a string with the length between 3 and 30 characters containing a-z A-Z 0-9 !@$

  • passwd2 (string)

    The same as passwd1.

  • email (string)

    A valid email for the user.

  • class (string)

    The class that has to be used for creating the user. If you don't specify a class the default class will be used which is normally names 'user'.


curl \
-d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \
-d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \
-d request='register_user' \
-d language='de_DE' \
-d args='{"username":"testuser123",

Here we are trying to create a user with the username testuser123 and the other credentials listed.



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusA statuscode which shows wether the action was successful or not.
id_userThe id of the created user.
session_idThe session_id of the created user which can be used to verify the user.


Verification method for the user - accounts.

After a user-account is created the account has to be verified to work properly. If this not happens the user cant login.


  • id_user (int)

    The id of the user.

  • session_id (string)

    A valid session-code. Here the session_code has to be used which is generated and transferred after registration by the method register_user.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='verify_user' \ -d id_user=1 \ -d session_id="asddsaasddas"



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status message which indicates wether the action successfull or not.


This is the method to login exisiting and verified users into a valid session.


  • username (string)

    The username of the user that has to be logged in.

  • password (string)

    The valid password of the user.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='login_user' \ -d username='testuser' \ -d password="thesecret123" \ -d session="asddsaasddsa"

Here we try to login with his credentials into an existing session.


  "reg_date":"2016-03-22 11:08:58",
  "first_login":"2016-03-22 11:41:07",
  "last_login":"2018-11-05 15-17-40",

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<reg_date>2016-03-22 11:08:58</reg_date>
<first_login>2016-03-22 11:41:07</first_login>
<last_login>2018-11-05 15-18-46</last_login>


statusA status determining wether the action was successful or not.
id_userThe id of the user.
session_idThe session_id of the user.
usernameThe username of the user.
emailThe email of the user.
default_languageThe language code presenting the default language of the user.
reg_dateRegistration date of the user.
first_loginDate of the first login.
last_loginDate of the last login.
security_levelThis level determines which groups the user belongs to:
Normal user: >0
Management: > 100
Admin: > 1000


This method logs - out a user from a session. Because for each session only one user can be logged in, the attribute needed is only a valid session.


  • session (string)

    A valid session with a user logged in.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='logout_user' \ -d session="asddsaasd123321s"



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusA status showing wether the action was successful or not.


Overwrites the current user - password with the delivered password.


  • session (string)

    A session of a logged-in user.

  • old_passwd (string)

    The current password of the logged-in user.

  • new_passwd1 (string)

    The new password.

  • new_passwd2 (string)

    Repetition of the new password.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d session='valid_session' \ -d request='set_user_password' \ -d old_passwd='old_password' \ -d new_passwd1="thesecret123" \ -d new_passwd2="thesecret123"

Here we are setting the password for an logged-in user. The user is determined by the session. First we need the actual password. Furthermore we have to deliver the new password twice.



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusContaining the status - message of the operation.

reset_user_password (init)

This function is used to reset the user password. The reset is divided into two calls. In the first call we send the email and receive informations we need in the second call.


  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

The following arguments have to be encoded as a json-array which is then sent in the argument named args:

  • email (string)

    The email of the user you want to reset the password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='reset_user_password' \ -d args='{"email":""}'




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusContaining the status - message of the operation.
id_userThe id of the user.
session_idThe session_id of the user.
usernameThe username of the user.
emailThe email of the user.
default_languageA language code representing the default language of the user.

reset_user_password (success)

This is the second part of the reset_user_password process. Here we send needed parameters to finally reset the user-password. These parameters were delivered by the same function in the previous description : reset_user_password (init)


  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

The following arguments have to be encoded as a json-array which is then sent in the argument named args:

  • session_id (string)

    This is the unique session_id delivered by the function in the init - process.

  • id_user (int)

    The id of the user you want to reset the password for. The id_user is also delivered in the init-process.

  • new_passwd1 (string)

    The new password for the user.

  • new_passwd2 (string)

    The new password repeated.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='reset_user_password' \ -d args='{"session_id":"valid_session","id_user":13,"new_passwd1":"secret123","new_passwd2":"secret123"}'




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusContaining the status - message of the operation.
id_userThe id of the user.
session_idThe session_id of the user.
usernameThe username of the user.
emailThe email of the user.
default_languageA language code representing the default language of the user.


Delivers the orders of a user determined by the session where the user is logged in.


  • session (string)

    The session where the user is logged in.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_user_orders' \ -d session='SESSION'


      "creation_date":"2019-01-01 21:03:57",
        "label":"Zahlung nicht erhalten"
        "label":"In Bearbeitung"
        "creation_date":"2019-01-01 21:02:16",

    "name":"Mütze orange",
    "description":"Tolle Mütze in orange - OneSize",
              ,              "sys_tax":
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":


    "description":" ",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2019-01-01 21:03:57</creation_date>
<payment_state><name>PAYMENT_NOT_RECEIVED</name><label>Zahlung nicht erhalten</label></payment_state>
<delivery_state><name>PROCESSING</name><label>In Bearbeitung</label></delivery_state>
<creation_date>2019-01-01 21:02:16</creation_date>
 <element type="FREE_ELEMENT">
<name>Mütze orange</name>
<description>Tolle Mütze in orange - OneSize</description>
<attributes><attribute name="pic"></attribute><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes>


 <element type="DELIVERY_COSTS">
<description> </description>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes>







order dataSection containing all order specific data like delivery-data and invoice-data.
cartContaining all purchased products of the order.
parcelsAn array containing all parcel - informations of the order.


Delivers all user data of the logged - in user.


  • session (string)

    The session of the logged-in user.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_user_data' \ -d session='SESSION'


"reg_date":"2019-01-01 21:03:01",
"first_login":"2019-01-01 21:03:16",
"last_login":"2019-01-01 21:04:25",
    ,    "firstname":
    ,    "lastname":
    ,    "companyname":
    ,    "department":
    ,    "street":
    ,    "number":
    ,    "zip":
    ,    "city":
    ,    "state":
    ,    "country":
    ,    "vat_number":


                                    ,            "h1":


                                    ,            "attribute_1291":


                                    ,            "attribute_1292":


                                    ,            "attribute_1293":


                                    ,            "attribute_1294":




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<reg_date>2019-01-01 21:03:01</reg_date>
<first_login>2019-01-01 21:03:16</first_login>
<last_login>2019-01-01 21:04:25</last_login>

          <attribute type="CHAR" id="1519">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1520">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1521">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1522">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1523">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1524">




user-main dataSection containing the main data of the user like email and username.
attributesSection containing all main attributes which belong to all users like firstname, lastname and street.
additional_attributesSection containing all additional - attributes of the user.
addressesAdditional user addresses.


Delivers the user_data of the user determined by id.


  • id_user (int)

    The id of the user.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_user_by_id' \ -d id_user=1


"reg_date":"2019-01-01 21:03:01",
"first_login":"2019-01-01 21:03:16",
"last_login":"2019-01-01 21:04:25",
    ,    "firstname":
    ,    "lastname":
    ,    "companyname":
    ,    "department":
    ,    "street":
    ,    "number":
    ,    "zip":
    ,    "city":
    ,    "state":
    ,    "country":
    ,    "vat_number":


                                    ,            "h1":


                                    ,            "attribute_1291":


                                    ,            "attribute_1292":


                                    ,            "attribute_1293":


                                    ,            "attribute_1294":




                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<reg_date>2019-01-01 21:03:01</reg_date>
<first_login>2019-01-01 21:03:16</first_login>
<last_login>2019-01-01 21:04:25</last_login>

          <attribute type="CHAR" id="1519">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1520">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1521">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1522">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1523">

                            <attribute type="CHAR" id="1524">




user-main dataSection containing the main data of the user like email and username.
attributesSection containing all main attributes which belong to all users like firstname, lastname and street.
additional_attributesSection containing all additional - attributes of the user.
addressesAdditional user addresses.


Sets the userdata for a logged-in user.


  • session (string)

    The session of the logged-in user.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

The following arguments have to be encoded as a json-array which is then sent in the argument named attributes:

  • email (string)

    A valid email - address for the user.

  • salutation (string)

    The salutation of the user.

  • firstname (string)

    The firstname of the user.

  • lastname (string)

    The lastname of the user.

  • companyname (string)

    The companyname of the user.

  • department (string)

    The department of the user.

  • street (string)

    The street of the user.

  • number (string)

    The housenumber of the user.

  • zip (string)

    The zipcode for the user.

  • city (string)

    The city of the user.

  • state (string)

    The state of the user.

  • country (string)

    A valid countrycode for the user.

Furthermore you can set additional - attribute - values which are specified by the class of the userobject. Here you can use the name which you have defined to set the value.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='set_user_data' \ -d session='SESSION' \ -d attributes='{"department":"test", "firstname":"my_firstname", "lastname":"my_lastname"}'

Here we set the department, the firstname and the lastname of the user. It is possible to set the userdata incrementally. That enables you to build up the data - collection in the way you want to build up your checkout - process.



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusA status message which determines wether the request was successful or not.


This request can be used to update an existing user. You have to provide the corresponding id_user.


  • id_user (int)

    The id of the user you want to update.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the attribute - name as key and the value as the attributes value.  As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue  you would provide the following array: 



curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='update_user_data' \ -d id_user=1 \ -d attributes='{"name":"Test"}'





statusThe status of the operation.


This login - method can be used for login of users from the backend into remote - applications communicating with the api. Therefore no username and password are needed.

The instant - login is especially built for applications adding value to the users sleekshop - backend. These applications can use the users backend - login to grant access to the application itself. 

The applications you want to implement into the backend can be implemented in the applications - section and will be displayed in an iframe within the backend of the user.

The verification process:

  • The user logs in into his sleekshop - backend. 
  • In the application - menu the user clicks on an application you have registered.
  • During that time an access - token will be generated which can be used to verify a user. This token is activated for 5 minutes.
  • The token will be delivered to the url you entered while creating the application via GET. The URL will also deliver a username. The parameters are namend : token and username (which is the shopname).
  • After that you can use the application_token and the delivered token to login the user via api by calling the instant_login - request.


  • token (string)

    The token delivered to the iframe.

  • application_token (string)

    The application - token which was generated when creating the application in the backend.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='instant_login' \ -d token='asddsaasddasdasdasdasd' \ -d application_token="asdalskdjlasjdlkasdlasjdkasjd"


  "reg_date":"2016-03-22 11:08:58",
  "first_login":"2016-03-22 11:41:07",
  "last_login":"2018-11-05 15-17-40"

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<reg_date>2016-03-22 11:08:58</reg_date>
<first_login>2016-03-22 11:41:07</first_login>
<last_login>2018-11-05 15-18-46</last_login>


statusA status determining wether the action was successful or not.
id_userThe id of the user.
session_idThe session_id of the user.
remote_sessionA valid session with the user logged - in which can be used for further api-requests.
usernameThe username of the user.
emailThe email of the user.
default_languageThe language code presenting the default language of the user.
reg_dateRegistration date of the user.
first_loginDate of the first login.
last_loginDate of the last login.


Setting the order specific attributes in the checkout - process. This data is only stored in the session which is determined by the "session" argument.


  • session (string)

    A valid session.

  • id_payment_method (int)

    A valid id specifying the desired payment - method. This id can be identified with the get_payment_methods request.

  • id_delivery_method (int)

    A valid delivery - id.

  • delivery_companyname (string)

    The delivery companyname.

  • delivery_department (string)

    The delivery - department.

  • delivery_salutation (string)

    The delivery salutation.

  • delivery_firstname (string)

    The delivery firstname.

  • delivery_lastname (string)

    The delivery lastname.

  • delivery_street (string)

    The delivery street.

  • delivery_number (string)

    The delivery number.

  • delivery_zip (string)

    The delivery zip.

  • delivery_state (string)

    The delivery state.

  • delivery_city (string)

    The delivery city.

  • delivery_country (string)

    A valid delivery country code.

  • invoice_companyname (string)

    The invoice companyname.

  • invoice_department (string)

    The invoice - department.

  • invoice_salutation (string)

    The invoice salutation.

  • invoice_firstname (string)

    The invoice firstname.

  • invoice_lastname (string)

    The invoice lastname.

  • invoice_street (string)

    The invoice street.

  • invoice_number (string)

    The invoice number.

  • invoice_zip (string)

    The invoice zip.

  • invoice_state (string)

    The invoice state.

  • invoice_city (string)

    The invoice city.

  • invoice_country (string)

    A valid invoice country code.

  • note (string)

    A note that has to be attached to the order.

  • email (string)

    A valid email for the order.

  • phone (string)

    A phone - number that has to be attached to the order.

  • attributes (json-array)

    An array containing additional attributes if needed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='set_order_details' \ -d session='SESSION' \ -d delivery_companyname="sleekcommerce" \ -d delivery_firstname="test123" \ -d delivery_lastname="test456" \ -d invoice_firstname="invoice_test" \ -d email="" \ -d phone="123321" \ -d attributes='[{"lang":"en_EN","name":"more-infos","value":"here is something important"}]'

Here we are setting some order infos. Its important to mention that you can set the order - details incrementally. This is very important to build up an individualized checkout - process.

The order - data we are setting wont be permanent until we checkout the session - order. So this data is only stored in the corresponding session.


       "value":"here is something important"

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>







<attributes><attribute name="more-infos">here is something important</attribute></attributes>


user-sectionInfos about the user belonging to this order. If a user is logged in this section will contain the user after checkout.
order_payment_method-sectionSection containing informations about the payment-method you set.
order_delivery_method-sectionSection containing informations about the delivery-method you set.
order_payment_state-sectionSection containing informations about the payment-state of the order.
order_delivery_state-sectionSection containing informations about the delivery-state of the order.
order_state-sectionSection containing informations about the order-state.
order_type-sectionSection containing informations about the order-type.
main order data fieldsHere you get the whole order-detail - fields.
attributes-sectionThe additional attributes you set.


Getting all activated delivery countries


  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_delivery_countries' \


"object": "get_delivery_countries",







"printable_name":"American Samoa"










"printable_name":"Antigua and Barbuda"




































"printable_name":"Bosnia and Herzegovina"




"printable_name":"Bouvet Island"




"printable_name":"British Indian Ocean Territory"


"printable_name":"Brunei Darussalam"




"name":"BURKINA FASO",
"printable_name":"Burkina Faso"










"name":"CAPE VERDE",
"printable_name":"Cape Verde"


"printable_name":"Cayman Islands"


"printable_name":"Central African Republic"








"printable_name":"Christmas Island"


"printable_name":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands"








"printable_name":"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the"


"name":"COOK ISLANDS",
"printable_name":"Cook Islands"


"name":"COSTA RICA",
"printable_name":"Costa Rica"


"name":"COTE D&#039;IVOIRE",
"printable_name":"Cote D&#039;Ivoire"








"printable_name":"Czech Republic"








"printable_name":"Dominican Republic"






"name":"EL SALVADOR",
"printable_name":"El Salvador"


"printable_name":"Equatorial Guinea"








"printable_name":"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"


"printable_name":"Faroe Islands"








"printable_name":"French Guiana"


"printable_name":"French Polynesia"


"printable_name":"French Southern Territories"


































"printable_name":"Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands"


"printable_name":"Holy See (Vatican City State)"




"name":"HONG KONG",
"printable_name":"Hong Kong"










"printable_name":"Iran, Islamic Republic of"






















"printable_name":"Korea, Democratic People&#039;s Republic of"


"printable_name":"Korea, Republic of"






"printable_name":"Lao People&#039;s Democratic Republic"










"printable_name":"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"










"printable_name":"Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of"














"printable_name":"Marshall Islands"












"printable_name":"Micronesia, Federated States of"


"printable_name":"Moldova, Republic of"






















"printable_name":"Netherlands Antilles"


"printable_name":"New Caledonia"


"name":"NEW ZEALAND",
"printable_name":"New Zealand"










"printable_name":"Norfolk Island"


"printable_name":"Northern Mariana Islands"










"printable_name":"Palestinian Territory, Occupied"




"printable_name":"Papua New Guinea"














"name":"PUERTO RICO",
"printable_name":"Puerto Rico"








"printable_name":"Russian Federation"




"name":"SAINT HELENA",
"printable_name":"Saint Helena"


"printable_name":"Saint Kitts and Nevis"


"name":"SAINT LUCIA",
"printable_name":"Saint Lucia"


"printable_name":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon"


"printable_name":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"




"name":"SAN MARINO",
"printable_name":"San Marino"


"printable_name":"Sao Tome and Principe"


"name":"SAUDI ARABIA",
"printable_name":"Saudi Arabia"




"printable_name":"Serbia and Montenegro"




"name":"SIERRA LEONE",
"printable_name":"Sierra Leone"








"printable_name":"Solomon Islands"




"name":"SOUTH AFRICA",
"printable_name":"South Africa"


"printable_name":"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"




"name":"SRI LANKA",
"printable_name":"Sri Lanka"






"printable_name":"Svalbard and Jan Mayen"








"printable_name":"Syrian Arab Republic"


"printable_name":"Taiwan, Province of China"




"printable_name":"Tanzania, United Republic of"












"printable_name":"Trinidad and Tobago"








"printable_name":"Turks and Caicos Islands"








"printable_name":"United Arab Emirates"


"printable_name":"United Kingdom"


"printable_name":"United States"


"printable_name":"United States Minor Outlying Islands"










"name":"VIET NAM",
"printable_name":"Viet Nam"


"printable_name":"Virgin Islands, British"


"name":"VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.",
"printable_name":"Virgin Islands, U.s."


"printable_name":"Wallis and Futuna"


"printable_name":"Western Sahara"








                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
			<name>AMERICAN SAMOA</name>
			<printable_name>American Samoa</printable_name>
			<name>ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA</name>
			<printable_name>Antigua and Barbuda</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Bosnia and Herzegovina</printable_name>
			<name>BOUVET ISLAND</name>
			<printable_name>Bouvet Island</printable_name>
			<printable_name>British Indian Ocean Territory</printable_name>
			<name>BRUNEI DARUSSALAM</name>
			<printable_name>Brunei Darussalam</printable_name>
			<name>BURKINA FASO</name>
			<printable_name>Burkina Faso</printable_name>
			<name>CAPE VERDE</name>
			<printable_name>Cape Verde</printable_name>
			<name>CAYMAN ISLANDS</name>
			<printable_name>Cayman Islands</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Central African Republic</printable_name>
			<name>CHRISTMAS ISLAND</name>
			<printable_name>Christmas Island</printable_name>
			<name>COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS</name>
			<printable_name>Cocos (Keeling) Islands</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Congo, the Democratic Republic of the</printable_name>
			<name>COOK ISLANDS</name>
			<printable_name>Cook Islands</printable_name>
			<name>COSTA RICA</name>
			<printable_name>Costa Rica</printable_name>
			<name>COTE D&#039;IVOIRE</name>
			<printable_name>Cote D&#039;Ivoire</printable_name>
			<name>CZECH REPUBLIC</name>
			<printable_name>Czech Republic</printable_name>
			<name>DOMINICAN REPUBLIC</name>
			<printable_name>Dominican Republic</printable_name>
			<name>EL SALVADOR</name>
			<printable_name>El Salvador</printable_name>
			<name>EQUATORIAL GUINEA</name>
			<printable_name>Equatorial Guinea</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</printable_name>
			<name>FAROE ISLANDS</name>
			<printable_name>Faroe Islands</printable_name>
			<name>FRENCH GUIANA</name>
			<printable_name>French Guiana</printable_name>
			<name>FRENCH POLYNESIA</name>
			<printable_name>French Polynesia</printable_name>
			<printable_name>French Southern Territories</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Holy See (Vatican City State)</printable_name>
			<name>HONG KONG</name>
			<printable_name>Hong Kong</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Iran, Islamic Republic of</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Korea, Democratic People&#039;s Republic of</printable_name>
			<name>KOREA, REPUBLIC OF</name>
			<printable_name>Korea, Republic of</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Lao People&#039;s Democratic Republic</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of</printable_name>
			<name>MARSHALL ISLANDS</name>
			<printable_name>Marshall Islands</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Micronesia, Federated States of</printable_name>
			<name>MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF</name>
			<printable_name>Moldova, Republic of</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Netherlands Antilles</printable_name>
			<name>NEW CALEDONIA</name>
			<printable_name>New Caledonia</printable_name>
			<name>NEW ZEALAND</name>
			<printable_name>New Zealand</printable_name>
			<name>NORFOLK ISLAND</name>
			<printable_name>Norfolk Island</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Northern Mariana Islands</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Palestinian Territory, Occupied</printable_name>
			<name>PAPUA NEW GUINEA</name>
			<printable_name>Papua New Guinea</printable_name>
			<name>PUERTO RICO</name>
			<printable_name>Puerto Rico</printable_name>
			<name>RUSSIAN FEDERATION</name>
			<printable_name>Russian Federation</printable_name>
			<name>SAINT HELENA</name>
			<printable_name>Saint Helena</printable_name>
			<name>SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS</name>
			<printable_name>Saint Kitts and Nevis</printable_name>
			<name>SAINT LUCIA</name>
			<printable_name>Saint Lucia</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Saint Pierre and Miquelon</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</printable_name>
			<name>SAN MARINO</name>
			<printable_name>San Marino</printable_name>
			<name>SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE</name>
			<printable_name>Sao Tome and Principe</printable_name>
			<name>SAUDI ARABIA</name>
			<printable_name>Saudi Arabia</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Serbia and Montenegro</printable_name>
			<name>SIERRA LEONE</name>
			<printable_name>Sierra Leone</printable_name>
			<name>SOLOMON ISLANDS</name>
			<printable_name>Solomon Islands</printable_name>
			<name>SOUTH AFRICA</name>
			<printable_name>South Africa</printable_name>
			<printable_name>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</printable_name>
			<name>SRI LANKA</name>
			<printable_name>Sri Lanka</printable_name>
			<name>SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN</name>
			<printable_name>Svalbard and Jan Mayen</printable_name>
			<name>SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC</name>
			<printable_name>Syrian Arab Republic</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Taiwan, Province of China</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Tanzania, United Republic of</printable_name>
			<name>TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO</name>
			<printable_name>Trinidad and Tobago</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Turks and Caicos Islands</printable_name>
			<name>UNITED ARAB EMIRATES</name>
			<printable_name>United Arab Emirates</printable_name>
			<name>UNITED KINGDOM</name>
			<printable_name>United Kingdom</printable_name>
			<name>UNITED STATES</name>
			<printable_name>United States</printable_name>
			<printable_name>United States Minor Outlying Islands</printable_name>
			<name>VIET NAM</name>
			<printable_name>Viet Nam</printable_name>
			<printable_name>Virgin Islands, British</printable_name>
			<name>VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.</name>
			<printable_name>Virgin Islands, U.s.</printable_name>
			<name>WALLIS AND FUTUNA</name>
			<printable_name>Wallis and Futuna</printable_name>
			<name>WESTERN SAHARA</name>
			<printable_name>Western Sahara</printable_name>



Setting the order specific attributes for a given order determined by its id. If the order is already closed an error will be returned.


  • id_order (int)

    The id of the order you want to update.

  • id_payment_method (int)

    A valid id specifying the desired payment - method. This id can be identified with the get_payment_methods request.

  • id_delivery_method (int)

    A valid delivery - id.id_delivery_method (int)

  • order_state (string)

    A valid order_state. Valid values: OPEN, PROCESSING, CLOSED and CANCELED

  • order_payment_state (string)

    Here you can set the payment_state. Valid values: PAYMENT_NOT_RECEIVED or PAYMENT_RECEIVED.

  • order_delivery_state (string)

    Here you can set the delivery_state. Valid values: PROCESSING or CLOSED.

  • delivery_companyname (string)

    The delivery companyname.

  • delivery_department (string)

    The delivery - department.

  • delivery_salutation (string)

    The delivery salutation.

  • delivery_firstname (string)

    The delivery firstname.

  • delivery_lastname (string)

    The delivery lastname.

  • delivery_street (string)

    The delivery street.

  • delivery_number (string)

    The delivery number.

  • delivery_zip (string)

    The delivery zip.

  • delivery_state (string)

    The delivery state.

  • delivery_city (string)

    The delivery city.

  • delivery_country (string)

    A valid delivery country code.

  • invoice_companyname (string)

    The invoice companyname.

  • invoice_department (string)

    The invoice - department.

  • invoice_salutation (string)

    The invoice salutation.

  • invoice_firstname (string)

    The invoice firstname.

  • invoice_lastname (string)

    The invoice lastname.

  • invoice_street (string)

    The invoice street.

  • invoice_number (string)

    The invoice number.

  • invoice_zip (string)

    The invoice zip.

  • invoice_state (string)

    The invoice state.

  • invoice_city (string)

    The invoice city.

  • invoice_country (string)

    A valid invoice country code.

  • note (string)

    A note that has to be attached to the order.

  • email (string)

    A valid email for the order.

  • phone (string)

    A phone - number that has to be attached to the order.

  • attributes (json-array)

    An array containing additional attributes if needed.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='' \ -d request='update_order_details' \ -d id_order=1 \ -d delivery_companyname="sleekcommerce" \ -d delivery_firstname="test123" \ -d delivery_lastname="test456" \ -d invoice_firstname="invoice_test" \ -d email="" \ -d phone="123321" \ -d attributes='[{"lang":"en_EN","name":"more-infos","value":"here is something important"}]'

Here we are setting some order infos. Its important to mention that you can set the order - details incrementally. 



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


Delivers the order - details of a specific session.


  • session (string)

    A valid session.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_order_details' \ -d session='SESSION'


       "value":"here is something important"

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>







<attributes><attribute name="more-infos">here is something important</attribute></attributes>


user-sectionInfos about the user belonging to this order. If a user is logged in this section will contain the user after checkout.
order_payment_method-sectionSection containing informations about the payment-method you set.
order_delivery_method-sectionSection containing informations about the delivery-method you set.
order_payment_state-sectionSection containing informations about the payment-state of the order.
order_delivery_state-sectionSection containing informations about the delivery-state of the order.
order_state-sectionSection containing informations about the order-state.
order_type-sectionSection containing informations about the order-type.
main order data fieldsHere you get the whole order-detail - fields.
attributes-sectionThe additional attributes you set.


Delivers the order - details of a specific order determined by its id.


  • id_order (int)

    A valid order-id.

  • language (string)

    A valid language - code.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_order_by_id' \ -d id_order=1 \ -d language='de_DE'


      "creation_date":"2022-09-18 19:41:54",
        "label":"Payment not received"
        "creation_date":"2022-09-18 19:41:34",
              ,              "sys_tax_calc":
              ,              "sys_length":
              ,              "sys_width":
              ,              "sys_height":
              ,              "sys_weight":
              ,              "sys_notes":



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<creation_date>2022-09-18 19:41:54</creation_date>
<payment_state><name>PAYMENT_NOT_RECEIVED</name><label>Payment not received</label></payment_state>
<attributes><attribute name="sys_success_url"></attribute><attribute name="sys_cancel_url"></attribute></attributes>
<creation_date>2022-09-18 19:41:34</creation_date>
     <element type="PRODUCT">
<attributes><attribute name="sys_tax">0.19</attribute><attribute name="sys_tax_calc">INC</attribute><attribute name="sys_length">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_width">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_height">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_weight">0</attribute><attribute name="sys_notes"></attribute></attributes>








user-sectionInfos about the user belonging to this order. If a user is logged in this section will contain the user after checkout.
order_payment_method-sectionSection containing informations about the payment-method you set.
order_delivery_method-sectionSection containing informations about the delivery-method you set.
order_payment_state-sectionSection containing informations about the payment-state of the order.
order_delivery_state-sectionSection containing informations about the delivery-state of the order.
order_state-sectionSection containing informations about the order-state.
order_type-sectionSection containing informations about the order-type.
main order data fieldsHere you get the whole order-detail - fields.
attributes-sectionThe additional attributes you set. 
cart-sectionThe cart of the order.
parcels-sectionThe parcels that are available.


Checks out a session - order. Makes the order permament.


  • session (string)

    A valid session with an order.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='checkout' \ -d session='SESSION'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status showing wether the process was successful or not.
id_orderThe unique ID of the order you just created.
sessionA new session you should use for further activities where the logged in user is logged in. If no user was logged in into the session you just checked - out then this field will be empty and you can get a new session with get_new_session.
messageA message telling you something about the status.
paramParameters belonging to the message.


Delivers the invoice for a specified order using the defined invoice - form. The form will be delivered base64 encoded. So you have to decode at the frontend - side.


  • id_order (int)

    A valid order - id.

  • args (json-array)

    An array containing individual attributes for replacements in the form.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_invoice' \ -d id_order=10



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


invoiceThe base64 encoded invoice form which is generated using the invoice-form the user defined in the backend.


Delivers the order confirmation for a specified order using the defined order confirmation - form. The form will be delivered base64 encoded. So you have to decode at the frontend - side.


  • id_order (int)

    A valid order - id.

  • args (json-array)

    An array containing individual attributes for replacements in the form.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_order_confirmation' \ -d id_order=10 \ -d args='{"invoice_link":"www.your-link"}'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


order_confirmationThe base64 encoded order confirmation form which is generated using the order confirmation - form the user defined in the backend.


Delivers all available payment methods that are activated in the backend.


  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_payment_methods'


            ,            "public_key":""


                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>





<attribute name="bridge_url"></attribute>
<attribute name="public_key"></attribute>

<attribute name="public_key"></attribute>




You receive a list of all available payment methods. Each payment - method contains several fields described below:
idThe id of the payment_method. This id is used to select the payment_method with set_order_details.
nameThe name of the payment - method.
attributesA list of attributes you may need for the payment - method.


Initiates the payment - process for an permanent order determined by its id.


  • id_order (int)

    The id of the order you want to initiate the payment.

  • args (json-array)

    Some payment - methods need several arguments you have to provide as an json - array. You have two special arguments here that can be very useful: success_url and cancel_url where you define how to redirect the user depending on the payment-status. These arguments override the setting in the backend for the corresponding payment_method.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='do_payment' \ -d id_order=1 \ -d args="[]"



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


methodYou see the selected method in the order.
statusDetermines wether the request was successful or not.
redirectMany payment - services need a redirect to the page of the PSP. If so then you will receive the correct redirect - link here. HTML special characters are encoded.
tokenSome payment - methods require a token which is needed for processing. If the payment_method needs a token you find it here.


Adds delivery costs to the cart of a valid session.


  • session (string)

    The id of the category.

  • delivery_costs (json-array)

    An array containing all deilvery - positions you want to add.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

You are free in adding delivery costs at your will. The estimated delivery costs in the cart are only recommendation. The json-array of the delivery - costs has always the same structure.

An array containing other array representing the delivery - cost positions with the following structure:

1.) Name

2.) Amount

3.) Tax


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='add_delivery_costs' \ -d session='SESSION' \ -d delivery_costs="[["Delivery",4.90,0.19],["Delivery2",5.90,0.19]]"



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusA message showing wether the action was successful or not.


This request allows you to perform several tasks with only one call. You can send several requests in the pipe.


  • pipe (json-array)

    A well formed array containing all requests you want to perform.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

The following requests are allowed for use (for now): 

  • get_shopobjects_in_category
  • get_product_details
  • search_distinct_products
  • search_products
  • seo_get_shopobjects_in_category

The parameters you need to send for each request are the same as described for the corresponding call.

The json-array is an array containing identifiers and request-arrays. The request arrays contain two fields: request and args.

The request determines the request and the args contain the valid arguments.

As an example a request array looks like this:  





So here we are requesting distinct material fields.

To be able to separate the answers we need also a identifier as key in the pipe. So the final pipe json-array could look like this: 









curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='aggregate' \ -d pipe='{ "names":{"request":"search_distinct_products","args":{ "field":"name","constraint":[],"language":"de_DE"}}, "special_product":{"request":"get_product_details","args":{ "id_product":42,"language":"de_DE","country":"DE","needed_attributes":"[]"}} }'

Here we requesting serch_distinct_products and get_product_details in one request.


      "Mütze orange"      ,
         "Hunting Pullover S"      ,
         "winterjacke rot XL"      ,
         "Laufschuh rot"      ,
         "Laufschuh blau"      ,
         "Laufschuh grün"      ,
         "Sneakers grün"      ,
         " Schneehut schwarz"      ,
         "Polar Jacket pink"      ,
         "Mütze blau"      ,
         "Polar Jacket blau"      ,
         "Schneehut dunkelblau"      ,
         "Sneakers italian"      ,
         "Hunting Pullover L"      ,
         "Hunting Pullover M"      ,
         "Winterjacke rot M"      ,
         "Winterjacke rot S"      ,
         "winterjacke rot L"      

  "name":"Schneehut dunkelblau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 17:22:22",
  "permalink": "dunkelblau-schneehut-warm",
  "title": "Dunkelblauer Schneehut",
  "description": "Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau",
  "keywords": "dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze"

  "quantity": 12,
  "quantity_warning": 6,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "123321",


  "value":"Schneehut dunkelblau"

    ,                    "short_description":

  "value":"Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau"

    ,                                            "description":

  "value":"<p>Dieser trendige Schneehut in der Farbe dunkelblau hat eine hohe Qualitu00e4t, ist sehr robust und gemu00fctlich.nAuu00dferdem besitzt er ein su00fcu00dfes Detail aus vielen Fransen am oberen Ende des Hutes.n-Rollsaumn-sehr fein gewebter Stoffn-Stoff: leicht und elastischn-Passform: normaln-Muster: unin-Material: 65%Baumwolle 35%PolyesternPflegehinweise: Maschinenwu00e4sche bei 30 GradnArtikelnummer: XX932048-34</p><br><p><br></p>"

    ,                                "price":


    ,            "img1":

  "label":"Bild 1",

    ,            "img2":

  "label":"Bild 2",

    ,                "color":


    ,            "img3":

  "label":"Bild 3",

    ,            "img4":

  "label":"Bild 4",

    ,                        "related_items":

  "label":"ähnliche Produkte",
  "name":"Mütze blau",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:20:50",
  "permalink": "gemusterte-blaue-muetze",
  "title": "Moderne Mütze mit Aztekenmuster und süßen Fransen",
  "description": "Superwarme Mütze mit Fransendetails",
  "keywords": "warm, muetze, fransen, aztekenmuster, unisex"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Mu00fctze blau"

    ,                    "short_description":

  "value":"Blaue Mu00fctze in superweicher Qualitu00e4t"

    ,                                            "description":

  "value":"Flauschige Mu00fctze der Marke &quot;Mu00fctzenLiebe&quot;. In Spanien hergestellt.n-su00fcu00dfe Fransendetailsn-breiter Umschlagn-Lu00e4nge: 21 cm bei Gru00f6u00dfe One Sizen-Materialkonstruktion: Rippn-Fu00fctterungsdicke: ungefu00fcttertn-Muster: Aztekenmustern-Material Oberstoff: 100% Polyacryln-Pflegehinweise: nicht Trockner geeignet, Handwu00e4schen-Breite: 21 cm bei Gru00f6u00dfe One SizenArtikelnummer: C1454B00O-M11"

    ,                                "price":


    ,            "img1":

  "label":"Bild 1",

    ,            "img2":

  "label":"Bild 2",

    ,                "color":


    ,            "img3":

  "label":"Bild 3",

    ,            "img4":

  "label":"Bild 4",

    ,                        "related_items":

  "label":"ähnliche Produkte",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
  "quantity_warning": ,
  "allow_override": ,

  "element_number": "",


  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
  "quantity_warning": ,
  "allow_override": ,

  "element_number": "",


  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
  "quantity_warning": ,
  "allow_override": ,

  "element_number": "",



    ,                        "featured_items":

  "label":"beliebte Produkte",

    ,                "vendor":


    ,                "type":


    ,                    "tags":

  "value":"Made in Spain,blau,Mu00fctze,onesize,warm,Aztekenmuster,Fransen,Bommel"

    ,                "size":



  "name":"Mütze schwarz",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:24:52",
  "permalink": "flauschiger-schneehut-schwarz",
  "title": "Superweicher schwarzer Schneehut",
  "description": "Warmer Schneehut der Trendmarke SchneeHut",
  "keywords": "schwarz, schneehut, weich, warm"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 0,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 0

  "element_number": "",


  "value":" Schneehut schwarz"

    ,                    "short_description":

  "value":"Superflauschiger Schneehut in schwarz"

    ,                                            "description":

  "value":"Flauschige Mu00fctze der Marke &quot;SchneeHut&quot;n-Logo-Patchn-breiter Umschlagn-Lu00e4nge: 21 cm bei Gru00f6u00dfe One Sizen-Materialkonstruktion: Rippn-Fu00fctterungsdicke: ungefu00fcttertn-Muster: unifarbenn-Material Oberstoff: 100% Polyacryln-Pflegehinweise: nicht Trockner geeignet, Handwu00e4schen-Breite: 21 cm bei Gru00f6u00dfe One SizenArtikelnummer: C1454B00O-M11nn"

    ,                                "price":


    ,            "img1":

  "label":"Bild 1",

    ,            "img2":

  "label":"Bild 2",

    ,                "color":


    ,            "img3":

  "label":"Bild 3",

    ,            "img4":

  "label":"Bild 4",

    ,                        "related_items":

  "label":"ähnliche Produkte",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
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  "element_number": "",


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  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
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  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
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    ,                        "featured_items":

  "label":"beliebte Produkte",

    ,                "vendor":


    ,                "type":

  "value":"Huete und Muetzen"

    ,                    "tags":


    ,                "size":



  "name":"Mütze orange",
  "creation_date":"2016-03-25 16:19:24",
  "permalink": "muetze-orange-onesize",
  "title": "Trendige Mütze mit Aztekenmuster",
  "description": "Superwarme und flauschige Mütze",
  "keywords": "warm, flauschig, orange, muetze, aztekenmuster"

  "quantity": 0,
  "quantity_warning": 3,
  "allow_override": 0,
  "active": 1

  "element_number": "",


  "value":"Mu00fctze orange"

    ,                    "short_description":

  "value":"Tolle Mu00fctze in orange"

    ,                                            "description":

  "value":"Flauschige Mu00fctze der Marke &quot;Mu00fctzenLiebe&quot;. In Spanien hergestellt.n-Farbe: orangen-Bommel aus su00fcu00dfen Fransenn-breiter Umschlagn-Lu00e4nge: 21 cm bei Gru00f6u00dfe One Sizen-Materialkonstruktion: Rippn-Fu00fctterungsdicke: ungefu00fcttertn-Muster: Aztekenmustern-Material Oberstoff: 100% Polyacryln-Pflegehinweise: nicht Trockner geeignet, Handwu00e4schen-Breite: 21 cm bei Gru00f6u00dfe One SizenArtikelnummer: C1454B00O-M11"

    ,                                "price":


    ,            "img1":

  "label":"Bild 1",

    ,            "img2":

  "label":"Bild 2",

    ,                "color":


    ,            "img3":

  "label":"Bild 3",

    ,            "img4":

  "label":"Bild 4",

    ,                        "related_items":

  "label":"ähnliche Produkte",
  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
  "quantity_warning": ,
  "allow_override": ,

  "element_number": "",


  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
  "quantity_warning": ,
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  "element_number": "",


  "permalink": "",
  "title": "",
  "description": "",
  "keywords": ""

  "quantity": ,
  "quantity_warning": ,
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  "element_number": "",



    ,                        "featured_items":

  "label":"beliebte Produkte",

    ,                "vendor":


    ,                "type":


    ,                    "tags":

  "value":"Made in Spain,Mu00fctze,orange,Aztekenmuster,Fransen,Bommel,Damen,onesize"

    ,                "size":




    ,                        "featured_items":

  "label":"beliebte Produkte",

    ,                "vendor":


    ,                "type":

  "value":"Made in Germany"

    ,                    "tags":

  "value":"Made in Germany"

    ,                "size":

  "value":"one size"



As you can see we have a main aggregate object and the two parts: aggregate_names and aggregate_special_product. These two parts contain the response for the corresponding requests.
                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<field>Mütze orange</field>
<field>Hunting Pullover S</field>
<field>winterjacke rot XL</field>
<field>Laufschuh rot</field>
<field>Laufschuh blau</field>
<field>Laufschuh grün</field>
<field>Sneakers grün</field>
<field> Schneehut schwarz</field>
<field>Polar Jacket pink</field>
<field>Mütze blau</field>
<field>Polar Jacket blau</field>
<field>Schneehut dunkelblau</field>
<field>Sneakers italian</field>
<field>Hunting Pullover L</field>
<field>Hunting Pullover M</field>
<field>Winterjacke rot M</field>
<field>Winterjacke rot S</field>
<field>winterjacke rot L</field>

<name>Schneehut dunkelblau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 17:22:22</creation_date>
<title>Dunkelblauer Schneehut</title>
<description>Cooler Schneehut in dunkelblau</description>
<keywords>dunkelblau, Schneehut, Muetze</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="532">
<value>Schneehut dunkelblau</value>

<attribute type="TXT" id="533">
<value>Warmer und superweicher Schneehut in dunkelblau</value>

<attribute type="HTML" id="534">
<value>&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Dieser trendige Schneehut in der Farbe dunkelblau hat eine hohe Qualität, ist sehr robust und gemütlich.
Außerdem besitzt er ein süßes Detail aus vielen Fransen am oberen Ende des Hutes.
-sehr fein gewebter Stoff
-Stoff: leicht und elastisch
-Passform: normal
-Muster: uni
-Material: 65%Baumwolle 35%Polyester
Pflegehinweise: Maschinenwäsche bei 30 Grad
Artikelnummer: XX932048-34&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="535">

<attribute type="IMG" id="536">
<label>Bild 1</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="537">
<label>Bild 2</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="538">

<attribute type="IMG" id="539">
<label>Bild 3</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="540">
<label>Bild 4</label>

<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="541">
<label>ähnliche Produkte</label>
<name>Mütze blau</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:20:50</creation_date>
<title>Moderne Mütze mit Aztekenmuster und süßen Fransen</title>
<description>Superwarme Mütze mit Fransendetails</description>
<keywords>warm, muetze, fransen, aztekenmuster, unisex</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="437">
<value>Mütze blau</value>

<attribute type="TXT" id="438">
<value>Blaue Mütze in superweicher Qualität</value>

<attribute type="HTML" id="439">
<value>Flauschige Mütze der Marke &amp;amp;quot;MützenLiebe&amp;amp;quot;. In Spanien hergestellt.
-süße Fransendetails
-breiter Umschlag
-Länge: 21 cm bei Größe One Size
-Materialkonstruktion: Ripp
-Fütterungsdicke: ungefüttert
-Muster: Aztekenmuster
-Material Oberstoff: 100% Polyacryl
-Pflegehinweise: nicht Trockner geeignet, Handwäsche
-Breite: 21 cm bei Größe One Size
Artikelnummer: C1454B00O-M11</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="440">

<attribute type="IMG" id="441">
<label>Bild 1</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="442">
<label>Bild 2</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="443">

<attribute type="IMG" id="444">
<label>Bild 3</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="445">
<label>Bild 4</label>

<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="446">
<label>ähnliche Produkte</label>


<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>






<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>






<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>





<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="447">
<label>beliebte Produkte</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="448">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="449">

<attribute type="TXT" id="450">
<value>Made in Spain,blau,Mütze,onesize,warm,Aztekenmuster,Fransen,Bommel</value>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="451">



<name>Mütze schwarz</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:24:52</creation_date>
<title>Superweicher schwarzer Schneehut</title>
<description>Warmer Schneehut der Trendmarke SchneeHut</description>
<keywords>schwarz, schneehut, weich, warm</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="452">
<value> Schneehut schwarz</value>

<attribute type="TXT" id="453">
<value>Superflauschiger Schneehut in schwarz</value>

<attribute type="HTML" id="454">
<value>Flauschige Mütze der Marke &amp;amp;quot;SchneeHut&amp;amp;quot;
-breiter Umschlag
-Länge: 21 cm bei Größe One Size
-Materialkonstruktion: Ripp
-Fütterungsdicke: ungefüttert
-Muster: unifarben
-Material Oberstoff: 100% Polyacryl
-Pflegehinweise: nicht Trockner geeignet, Handwäsche
-Breite: 21 cm bei Größe One Size
Artikelnummer: C1454B00O-M11


<attribute type="FLOAT" id="455">

<attribute type="IMG" id="456">
<label>Bild 1</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="457">
<label>Bild 2</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="458">

<attribute type="IMG" id="459">
<label>Bild 3</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="460">
<label>Bild 4</label>

<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="461">
<label>ähnliche Produkte</label>


<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>






<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>






<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>





<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="462">
<label>beliebte Produkte</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="463">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="464">
<value>Huete und Muetzen</value>

<attribute type="TXT" id="465">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="466">



<name>Mütze orange</name>
<creation_date>2016-03-25 16:19:24</creation_date>
<title>Trendige Mütze mit Aztekenmuster</title>
<description>Superwarme und flauschige Mütze</description>
<keywords>warm, flauschig, orange, muetze, aztekenmuster</keywords>


<taxclass name="Standard" calculation="INC">0.19</taxclass>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="422">
<value>Mütze orange</value>

<attribute type="TXT" id="423">
<value>Tolle Mütze in orange</value>

<attribute type="HTML" id="424">
<value>Flauschige Mütze der Marke &amp;amp;quot;MützenLiebe&amp;amp;quot;. In Spanien hergestellt.
-Farbe: orange
-Bommel aus süßen Fransen
-breiter Umschlag
-Länge: 21 cm bei Größe One Size
-Materialkonstruktion: Ripp
-Fütterungsdicke: ungefüttert
-Muster: Aztekenmuster
-Material Oberstoff: 100% Polyacryl
-Pflegehinweise: nicht Trockner geeignet, Handwäsche
-Breite: 21 cm bei Größe One Size
Artikelnummer: C1454B00O-M11</value>

<attribute type="FLOAT" id="425">

<attribute type="IMG" id="426">
<label>Bild 1</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="427">
<label>Bild 2</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="428">

<attribute type="IMG" id="429">
<label>Bild 3</label>

<attribute type="IMG" id="430">
<label>Bild 4</label>

<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="431">
<label>ähnliche Produkte</label>


<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>






<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>






<taxclass name="" calculation=""></taxclass>





<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="432">
<label>beliebte Produkte</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="433">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="434">

<attribute type="TXT" id="435">
<value>Made in Spain,Mütze,orange,Aztekenmuster,Fransen,Bommel,Damen,onesize</value>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="436">




<attribute type="PRODUCTS" id="542">
<label>beliebte Produkte</label>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="543">

<attribute type="CHAR" id="544">
<value>Made in Germany</value>

<attribute type="TXT" id="545">
<value>Made in Germany</value>

<attribute type="CHAR" id="546">
<value>one size</value>




<p>As you can see we have a main aggregate object and the two parts: aggregate_names and aggregate_special_product. These two parts contain the response for the corresponding requests.</p>


This request adds coupons to the cart if these are valid. Otherwise an errormessage will be returned. These coupons are only attached to the cart and are dynamically calculated. When the checkout request is performed they will be added to the cart permanently.


  • session (string)

    A valid session code.

  • coupons (json-array)

    A well formed json-array containing all coupons you want to add.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

The coupons array is an array like this: [["code1","name1"],["code2","name2"]]

The name you choose will appear in the cart of the order. The name is optional. If you dont specifiy the name, the name of the coupon itself will be used.

All added coupons will appear in the cart - requests.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='add_coupons' \ -d session=A_VALID_SESSION_CODE \ -d coupons='["code1","name1"]'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


This request can be used to create coupons.


  • count (int)

    The number of coupons you want to create.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new coupons.

  • amount (float)

    The amount of the corresponding coupons.

  • type (string)

    The type of the coupon you want to create. The following values are valid: UNIQUE_NOMINAL, UNIQUE_PERCENTAGE, MULTIPLE_NOMINAL, MULTIPLE_PERCENTAGE.

  • code (string)

    The Code you want to be generated. If you dont pass this argument, then a generic code will be generated.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_coupons' \ -d count=10 \ -d name='name_new' \ -d amount=10


"object": "create_coupons",





















                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>



couponsA section containing the codes just created.


This command will return the status of the server

For simply getting the server - status you can use these command.


  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='get_status'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


server_statusThe status of the server, wether running or stopped.
data_statusIndicated wether the data for debiting is complete or not.
products_countCount of products.
contents_countCount of contents.


This command is used to create a new channel.


  • name (string)

    The name of your channel.

  • description (string)

    A description for your channel.

  • shop_active (int)

    This value describes wether the channel is active or not. 1 for active and 0 for not active.

  • server_output (string)

    Define which server output you want to have for this channel (json or xml).

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='1233321fasd7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='create_channel' \ -d name='channel_name' \ -d description='channel description' \ -d shop_active=1 \ -d server_output='json'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


This request is used to send api-requests to installed applications.


  • application (string)

    The name of the application.

  • app_request (string)

    The request you want to perform.

  • args (json-array)

    Here you can send arguments to the api of the application.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d request='application_api_call' \ -d application='brevo' \ -d app_request='send_mail' \ -d args='{"sender_mail":""}'

You have to make sure that the application has the ability to communicate with sleekshop. Therefore it is necessary that application has implemented the api - endpoint with correct url. The correct url is the installation - base with the /srv/service/ extension. That means that if your installation route is: 

then the endpoint url has to be:


    "object": "application_api_call",
    "status": "success"

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


This request can be used to create warehouse entities. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • class (string)

    The class of the new product.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • id_manufacturer (int)

    The id of the corresponding manufacturer.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • metadata (json-array)

    A json - array with all metadata you want to set.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


metadata (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the metadata as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the element_number with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • element_number
  • ean
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • weight


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='create_warehouse_entity' \ -d class='wh_entity' \ -d name='name_new' \ -d id_manufacturer=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d metadata='{"element_number":"123321"}'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the product just created.


This request can be used to update warehouse entities. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_warehouse_entity (int)

    The id of the warehouse - entity you want to update.

  • name (string)

    The name of the new product.

  • id_manufacturer (int)

    The id of the corresponding manufacturer.

  • attributes (json-array)

    A json - array with all attributes you want to set the value. 

  • metadata (json-array)

    A json - array with all metadata you want to set.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.

attributes (json-array):

The array is an associative array which has the language as key and an associative array for attributes for the corresponding language. Here you use the the name of the attribute as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the attribute named attr1 with the value myvalue in the german language you would provide the following array:


metadata (json-array)

This array is an associative array containing the metadata as key and the desired value as value. As an example, if you want to set the element_number with the value 123 you can provide the following array:


The following fields are available:

  • element_number
  • ean
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • weight


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='update_warehouse_entity' \ -d id_warehouse_entity=123 \ -d name='name_new' \ -d id_manufacturer=1 \ -d attributes='{"de_DE":{"name":"Test"}}' \ -d metadata='{"element_number":"123321"}'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


idThe id of the product just created.


This request can be used to delete warehouse entities. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • id_warehouse_entity (int)

    The id of the warehouse - entity you want to update.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_warehouse_entity' \ -d id_warehouse_entity=123 \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to place warehouse entities. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • storage (string)

    The storage name you want to place the entity.

  • element_number (string)

    The element number of the entity you want to place.

  • quantity (int)

    How many items you want to place?

  • note (string)

    A note you want to add to your checkin.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='inventory_place' \ -d storage="storage123" \ -d element_number='123asd' \ -d quantity=1 \ -d note='my_note' \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


This request can be used to take warehouse entities. The request will be executed as long as an error occurs. In this case the error will be returned.


  • storage (string)

    The storage name you want to the the entity from.

  • element_number (string)

    The element number of the entity you want to take.

  • quantity (int)

    How many items you want to take?

  • note (string)

    A note you want to add to your checkout.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='inventory_take' \ -d storage="storage123" \ -d element_number='123asd' \ -d quantity=1 \ -d note='my_note' \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


Binds a product to a warehouse_entity determined by its element_number.


  • id_product (int)

    The id of the product you want to add a binding to.

  • element_number (string)

    The element number of the entity you want to bind.

  • quantity (int)

    How many items you want to bind?

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='add_binding' \ -d id_product=10 \ -d element_number='123asd' \ -d quantity=1 \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


Deletes an existing binding.


  • id_product (int)

    The id of the product you want to add a binding to.

  • element_number (string)

    The element number of the entity you want to bind.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='your_secret_key' \ -d request='delete_binding' \ -d id_product=10 \ -d element_number='123asd' \



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


statusThe status of the operation.


This request is used to create a webhook.

Create one of the following events to create a new webhook:


Be aware that you use only uppercase letters, numbers and underscore as valid characters for naming your webhook.


  • name (string)

    The name of the webhook you want to update

  • event (string)

    The event you want to set.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='sdasdasdasdasd' \ -d request='create_webhook' \ -d name='MY_NEW_WEBHOOK' \ -d event='ORDER_CREATE'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


This request is used to update webhook settings like url and parameter.

There are different webhooks available which can be activated and updated via backend. Sometimes it can be very useful to update these webhooks via api. 


  • name (string)

    The name of the webhook you want to update

  • url (string)

    The url you want to set.

  • parameter (string)

    The parameter you want to set for the webhook.

  • licence_username (string)

    Your licence - username.

  • licence_password (string)

    Your licence - password.

  • licence_secret_key (string)

    Your licence - secret - key.


curl \ -d licence_username='demo_NBSqhrcrhMci15Ir9UWI' \ -d licence_password='s9vmrbwT23B7bmjR4Vmz' \ -d licence_secret_key='asddsaqweqwewqe' \ -d request='update_webhook' \ -d name='WEBHOOK_CONTENT_UPDATE' \ -d url='' \ -d parameter='1'



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>